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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. You want to know what we look like? And this will accomplish what exactly?
  2. No can do. I work for a living improving people’s lives. Bullet point your ideas here now. You seem to have time on your hands. I’m mean how long does it take to type? 1. Disband police 2. ??? 3. Profit. You do, according to you, type faster than me.
  3. It’s working. A common enemy is brining is together. ?
  4. Funny you should say this. I was thinking the same thing earlier.
  5. I had no idea this was a new thread he started. Good lord. I looked up unhinged in the dictionary and @GregPersons picture was there.
  6. Which of us feel that racism isn’t real and how have you come to this conclusion. And interesting way of trying to heal by telling people you’ve never met “rot in hell racist!” That is a great way to heal. ? Anyway I’ve got time on my schedule now to discuss. You start.
  7. Nah. He’s off his rocker. Be nice to him.
  8. Whoopsie. Busted. Anyway whatever. Back to this new age community protection team. Give us some ideas as to how they will operate.
  9. Applicants to the Minneapolis Police Department must be a minimum of 21 years of age, have a Minnesota driver's license, and be a citizen of the United States. Interested candidates may only submit an application during open recruitment periods. Candidates must have at least an associate's degree or five years of continuous law enforcement or military experience to be considered for employment. Prospective officers must pass each stage of the hiring process to be conditionally hired as police recruits. Recruits will complete 16 weeks of training at the Minneapolis Police Academy. Following successful completion of the police academy and passing the Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) Licensing Exam, recruits will go through additional field training and experience. Recruits will then graduate to the role of police officer, earning a patrol assignment. After five years of continuous service with the Minneapolis Police Department, police officers may take the sergeant's exam to qualify for promotion. Huh.......
  10. What are the current requirements to become a police officer?
  11. I’m a conservative on this board and I’m proud to admit I’m conservative. I’m not libertarian because they are batshit crazy. Other than that this assessment is spot ***** on! ?? <—— Oh sorry. I forgot to wash up after this weeks cross burnin’.
  12. We’re always up for new ideas. I’m extremely open minded. Especially when my tax dollars are involved. So you wholeheartedly support this idea which is fine. What are these new ideas so we can debate them?
  13. Cool. Anything else I support? I many have to amend my tax return.
  14. When Black people are murdered it takes activism to initiate justice? No only when it’s convenient for your narrative of Cops Are Bad!!!
  15. So what you’re saying is the people screaming “defund!!” don’t even know that that word means? Well now this makes the whole thing that much more hysterical.
  16. 50 years ago it was hippies. I remember the family was driving by the thruway entrance in Batavia and there were a couple of people with a sign that said Woodstock. I asked my dad "who are they?" "Hippies" he grumbled "Hippies"
  17. I must ask those that are calling out as racist those who are against defunding the police this question? If the police are defunding who is going to be affected the most. Those rich white people in their bucolic gated communities or those people of color who are going to be ravaged by criminals who already roam their neighborhoods? Do you folks even think before you support a cause? BTW that is a very rhetorical question. And Chef Jim is racist for saying POC live in poor neighborhoods in 3.....2.....1....... I'm making goat cheese today. Follow me on Instagram @blacklivesmattereatme
  18. Well the lucky ones got so see how beautiful my wife is before it was taken down.
  19. How did they know he was unarmed? Had either you or I been "shoved" as hard as he was we would have barely moved. The fact that he was 6'5" 110lbs that light shove caused string bean to lose his balance. Please point to the police code that specifies the forcefulness of their "move along" based on age.
  20. A greater majority of cops are doing fantastic jobs but for some reason the protesters chant “***** the police!” and want them all to lose their jobs. Ohhh the irony.
  21. And what is outrageous is the reason why. He then came back under a new name and proceeded to follow me around accusing me of ratting on him. He actually went to Simon’s page and saw that I had visited it and assumed I visited to rat on hm. When I’m actuality I went to PM Simon to ask who did! You can all thank me later.
  22. Q-Baby was. That says a lot about his performance here. It takes a lot to get the ole heave ho here.
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