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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. All I have to say if when these protests are over and one government official tells us we can’t gather in large numbers there will be hell to pay.
  2. Most of you know that I lived in Oakland for a few years. That place was borderline Escape From New York WITH a police department. If I still lived there and they dismantled the PD you better believe my home would be up for sale ASAP!
  3. Color me surprised. Does the hysterical left ever think this ***** through. Idiots.
  4. Actually my only tweet I think was this. This professional photographer took and posted the first pic below. I thought that looked familiar. I checked my pics of the same concert and realize I took a pic at the same time and got him
  5. I rarely tweet but when I do it’s music or food. After here I’m left with political dry heaves.
  6. I have met several of you so I would have no problem. But the real reason I want to do this is because I want @GregPersons to be out of pocket a few grand. And your name is Paul Lenz? Thank god. I’ve been scared shitless I’d pronounce your last name Lenzmd wrong. ? And I’m not? ?
  7. Ha! What a ***** tool! I give you my definition and ask for yours and you conveniently have to log off. ??? I get Q-tip banned and @GregPersons to STFU! You guys owe me.
  8. Post the Zoom link here so we all can get on together. Come on folks. Let’s do this. $50 each! Let him put his money where his mouth is!
  9. Thinking one race is superior to another. Done and done. Now your turn. And also please explain to the world why you’ve come to the conclusion that I feel that one race is superior to another.
  10. What’s your definition? You have dodged this question for two days now. Why?
  11. You have not defined racism. Your definition of racism is “see him? That man over there. Yes that one not protesting. That one in the MAGA hat. Yes him!! That’s racism defined!” ?
  12. See you have it wrong AGAIN! You’re the one pointing the accusatory finger at us all. YOU are the one who should define racists and racism. From there you can then move to how you’ve come to the definitive conclusion that we are racists. We shall wait.....
  13. He can’t figure out that Crayola is liberal but he has us all pegged as raging racists.
  14. He hasn’t even established that any posters are in fact racists. To @GregPersons a racist is: 1. A conservative 2. Does not want to defund the police 3. Does not participate in protests 4. Does not denounce racism publicly 5. Posts food pics on Facebook and instagram. 6. Does not publicly say BLM is the greatest thing since sliced bread. And if they do it better not be Wonder Bread.
  15. Just be glad you don’t live with me. I’m full of them. I think the wife would win and win big using ear worms in the divorce proceedings.
  16. This is incredible folks. After only one day of rest after his incredible threepeat win of the “Ironic Post of the Day” award @GregPersons come roaring back to score big again winning the “Ironic Post of the Day” award. And the crowd goes wild.
  17. A lot of commercials/shows. Sissy kids and fat kids eat Armour Hot Dogs.
  18. He’s ruining an already pretty dysfunctional board. Quite the feat.
  19. So you have no ideas about how this is going to work. Just as long as we get rid of those Nazis, Racist Pigs right?
  20. Well that went right over your head. You’re not very smart are you. What are these methods and what will make them more effective?
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