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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I’ve been pretty much business as usual. Back in the office full time for three weeks. Haircut last weekend. Dinner reservations Saturday for the wife’s birthday. Come to the light on the other side of the Orange Curtain.
  2. March as in goose step like the little Nazi I am not the month of March. ?
  3. Novel? No. Clever? No Sad? Yeah. Confused? Yeah. According to his logic because I don’t wear pink, March in breast cancer awareness parades and donate to breast cancer research I’m for breast cancer.
  4. So now we’re not just racist we’re white supremacist? You’re a ***** riot! LOL
  5. So you got nothing. That's what I figured. You seem to have no problem reading my "drivel" in your "Everybody's a Racist But Me!" threads but when pressed to prove your little experiment all you come up with is cryptic bull####. Why are you here? What is your end game? What are you expecting? If we all admit we are racist will you say "my job is done here" and leave?
  6. Why are you declining to dive into my posting history. What racist structures am I upholding. Be specific!! What am I doing that is racist. Be specific! I want to learn. I want to know. Please help me Obi Wan!
  7. No those are general. I want SPECIFIC things I've done, not done, said, not said that have brought you to the definitive conclusion that I am in FACT a racists. I'll wait..............
  8. What actions (or probably more inactions) are you referring to that say I'm a racist?
  9. This is ***** hilarious. I've never seen anyone tap dance around a direct question better than you have done. Bra*****ingvo!! So what you're saying is: If I was adamant about not being gay does that in fact make me gay or does this only work with being a racist? If I was adamant about not being an alcoholic does that in fact make me an alcoholic or does this only work with being a racist? If I was adamant about not being homophobic does that in fact make me homophobic or does that just work with being a racist? So if I'm adamant about not being a racist I'm a racist and if I say I'm a racist I'm a racists. Did I get this right? And finally I have NOT been adamant about being racist. As a matter of fact I don't even think I've said I'm NOT a racists. All I've done the past couple days is ask you to provide proof that I AM a racist which you have conveniently not been able to do. So you can ***** off now.
  10. So by saying I'm not racists is proof I'm not racist? Did I get that right?
  11. So all PO's currently employed in the field of law enforcement are racists disgraces?
  12. And you did nothing then to prove my racism and you're doing nothing now. Why is that?
  13. All cops are a disgrace and are racists? If you had an credibility to begin with you would have lost it all with this statement. What profession are you in?
  14. I agree. Q was boring by comparison. What key words of mine are coming up? This is fun.
  15. Cool there are KKK talking points? What are they? I want to search them too! Please screen shot this racists posts.
  16. I assume he gets that a lot. @Buffalo_Gal is a bit taller but I think it's the heels.
  17. 1. How am I defending racism? Be specific 1. What have you done to fight racism other than yell hysterically at a bunch of strangers on a message board?
  18. We stand around and do nothing? What have you done to fight racism other than scream hysterically at strangers on a message board?
  19. I agree. He has similarities but there are also some major differences. But he is really ruining the forum.
  20. In order to stop beating his wife he'd have to find someone that would put up with him long enough to marry him. I highly doubt that's happened.
  21. Kind of like our definition of racism. But seriously these threads are getting real tiresome. What KKK/White Supremacy talking points are being repeated here. What's wrong with not showing a poster's identity?
  22. I don't think that was a flop. It looked like a legitimate fall. But at 6'9" 110 lbs you hit him with a feather he's going down let alone a baton. @GregPersons Who invented slavery? Easy.....humans.
  23. So old loons get a pass when they approach cops and reach out to them?
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