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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I don't have 20 minutes but I'll respond to your (asinine quote). If you feel that way about EVERY police officer I hate for you to find yourself in a situation where you need one. You've been in an accident. You need help getting your car out of a ditch. You're lost in an unfamiliar city and need directions. You need your noisy neighbors to shut the party down because it's real late and you need to sleep. I really hate that if any of those things happen to you and the police decide not to help you because who wants help from a "tumor strangling the life out of our communities." Do you really feel that every police officer is a "tumor strangling the life out of our communities? Really??
  2. What are you doing to root out racism other than be an ass to complete strangers?
  3. Who here has said racism isn't a big deal? See we'd also engage in your debate if you stopped MAKING ***** UP!! I thought you were going to block me. You're a ***** liar too??
  4. So if we support someone we automatically assume all their beliefs/ideals/morals? Can you see how stupid that thinking is? Who do you support?
  5. I have never said I can’t be racist. I have never denied that racism exists. But you are using those quotes to prove that I’m a racist. There are your assumptions which are wrong
  6. Why do you assume I use that privilege to support racism instead of fighting it? Your broad assumptions that you have made of everyone here is why you’re being treated as the belligerent ass you are.
  7. So now I have white privilege and because I’ve done nothing to remove that privilege that automatically make me a racist? Your logic still sucks. Wait......ball licker??? Who used that term a lot here. Can it be??? And when you’ve lost you cover your ears “la la la la la I can’t hear you” Good riddance.
  8. So do you think that I think that racism doesn’t exist? You have ideas. None of them are original but they are ideas nonetheless. You come to a politics forum with these ideas. Fantastic, let’s discuss and debate them on their merit. But no you storm in and before you even introduce yourself you look at the room and yell: “YOU’RE ALL A BUNCH OF RACIST!!” Not the best way to endear yourself to the crowd. So instead of us welcoming you to have a discussion we all look at you as a belligerent blowhard. So you ***** this up from the get go. Good job Greg.
  9. Good ***** lord. Is it as horrible as I can only imagine it is to go through life and see racism EVERYWHERE? That *****’s gonna kills ya.
  10. So how do the actions of men 300 years ago dictate my actions of today? We learn from history we change, we evolve as humans.
  11. So change exist except when discussing the Founding Fathers and racism. So the founders were racists and so must we be. Logic of a monkey. ?
  12. Where did he say racisms didn’t disgust him? I’ve never come out said “eating rotten eggs disgusts me” doesn’t mean I don’t think rotten eggs are disgusting. Your logic is some of most ***** up logic ever.
  13. So if change doesn’t exist why are you here? If we all admit we’re racist will you go away?
  14. And you have yet to point out anywhere where I have SPECIFICALLY spoke in support of racism!
  15. What do the morals ideals of men from nearly three centuries ago have to do with us today? That is the dumbest argument yet.
  16. Aren’t we all racist? Now you’re confusing yourself. ???
  17. So virtue of of the fact we are Americans we are racist? All of us? Ok your work is done here. Thank you. You can go now. Bye.
  18. You have yet to define what actions uphold racism and how we are upholding those actions. Oh no no no. Greg doesn’t think. He KNOWS!
  19. I voted in this poll? Huh. Must have been while I was napping.
  20. I know the levels of racism are horrible. I don’t know how you can stand it. ?
  21. Awwwww that would be sweet. It’s in my trust to let you guys know when I go.
  22. I’ve always feared death. I now welcome it.
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