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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I've not done it. It needs to be cold smoked which requires a set up I don't have. I'm more into curing now than smoking. I have some nice moldy sopressata hanging in my curing box now. Whoops. Hanging.....RACIST!!
  2. And that is the "debate" style of so many. Them: You smoke crack!! Me: That's absurd. Them: Prove you don't Me: No that's not how it works. Prove I smoke crack. You made the assertion now back up your claim Them: Ok.........YOU SMOKE CRACK!! Me: Sigh...........
  3. I don't want to know what you and @GregPersons were doing last night that was creepy and unpleasant.
  4. Before he was a pathetic #######. He just now slipped into creepy.
  5. Every day for the last 40 years. Sounds like you need to get laid yourself. You should try it. It's fun. I have no idea what incel was until I looked it up just now. Question. Why do you know so much about it?
  6. Yes. All the time. Again with my love life. Pathetic.
  7. Jets? Pats? What do they have to do with this? And now you want to know about my love life? Now you're getting creepy.
  8. I'd be in jail??? Bwahahahahhaha!! Under what charges sir? Come and get me copper.
  9. Psychotic Racist Fascist White Supremacist Any other labels you want to put on someone you've never met?
  10. How about Ugly? Do they use that because I'm pretty sure I heard the word used when I was in the back of the cruiser that one time.
  11. Sure it's easy. Noooo that's not what we meant at all!!! In the heat of the protests defunding and dismantling is EXACTLY what they meant.
  12. And I asked if we are not using the word as it is described, and has been described forever, in the English language then why are we using it? And if you didn't get my Orwellian comment was rude take is up with Mr Orwell's estate. And with what the left is doing with the English language and the words that make it up Orwellian Newspeak is a very appropriate observation and not rude at all.
  13. Where did I insult you? Please point out what words I used that insulted you?
  14. Lock her up is sexist? LOLOLOLOL!!!! No seriously. I literally laughed out loud at that.
  15. No because The LOCK HER UP chant was pathetic, childish and immature. Next question.
  16. Seriously? How many threads has Reality Check started about the same subject over the past three days compared to @GregPersons ?
  17. Seriously?? That reply post to Margarita is rude? Because I called her Orwellian?? Holy ***** dude. You hypocrite.
  18. A fair amount? Details please. I've called it out many times you ***** clueless bastard. I grew up 5 miles from Attica State. I know lots and lots of CO's and have called them out for their racism. They were horrible and still are. I had conversations with CO's at my dad's restaurant when I was a teenager and the riot was fresh in people's minds. My dad was the victim of racism and I swore, after he told me his stories, I'd never be a racist I've called out my own ***** BROTHER for his racist behaviors when I was back in NY a few years ago. So you can stick your holier than thou bull#### up your ass.
  19. Then why was the word defund even used?? There are so many ways the to use words that actually represent what they want to do. But no. The chant became defund, defund, defund. Please explain why there is a discussion here on this board with 5,600 views and 389 replies with the title of Minnesota Police Disbanded? What definition you want to give to that word? Orwell would be proud of you.
  20. I've not read your exchange but my meeting canceled and I had time to read your article. If the information is true is a very damning account of what's going on. I just wondered why out of that whole article you felt it necessary to quote that?
  21. I find it very hard to believe that you used that quote from a 20 minute read unless it resonated with you. Eye catching indeed. Because you're afraid the answers to these questions may shine a light on what kind of a person you really are? No worries. If you're afraid to answer them I understand.
  22. How dare you use the invasion of D-Day to further support your rants. You can ***** off now.
  23. Do you agree with the part of the article he quoted?
  24. I have changed your answers above based on your quote from the article. Why did you feel it necessary to post that particular quote if you didn't believe it?
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