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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. There is only one professional that drives me crazier than lawyers. Engineers....................
  2. Interesting regarding the part in bold. So what does that red octagonal sign with the words STOP mean? Can I tell the cop and pulled me over for running it that "oh I interpreted it to mean slow down"? We get your point. Do you get ours? If not let me reiterate it. The word "defund" and what it means to those wanting police reform is being mocked by us. Why? Because it has come from hysterical people at protests. Has it opened a dialog? Sure, which is good but it was a terrible word to use to start the dialog because of it's actual meaning.
  3. Oh...I thought it was the amount of time we spent thinking about it which is actually, in my mind, a very important stat.
  5. Now the buzzword is “reimagining.” Don’t get me wrong this is a better word to start with than “Defund” but Walt Disney would be so proud.
  6. I think it will go like this: Them: Are you Caucasian? Me: I don’t think you know what that word means. Them: What?? Ok whatevs. Are you white? Me: Sometimes. I get pretty dark in the summer Them: That’s different!! What’s your heritage?? Me: Italian and English....I think. Them: Ha!! So you are white!! Me: I guess. What’s your point. Them: That means you’re a racist. Me: But you don’t even know me. Them: Oh but I do! All us white people are racist! Me: You hate black people?? Them: Of course not!! Me: How about yellow, brown, red...you hate them then. Them: Of course not! Me: Then what makes you (and me) racists? Them: We’re white silly! Me: You’re hot pockets are ready.
  7. Only if he can abolish human nature at the same time.
  8. I have not. But one of the best culinary experience I had was a three hour sushi fest at O Ya in Boston.
  9. It was the era when comfort food was a thing. We had and oyster bar with caviar, spit roasted leg of lamb, cioppino and meatloaf, kick ass chili and chicken in a pot (matzah ball soup). Electra records and Castle Rock were upstairs and Virgin Records across the street. It was a very eclectic clientele.
  10. Point taken and I stand corrected. But being referred to as Orwellian is an insult? Oooookay.
  11. Exactly. When you have college professors teaching "children" that American is evil this is what we end up with. And it's only going to get worse I'm afraid.
  12. I couldn't handle that *****. Restaurants are open for inside dining now. We have reservations for a place this Saturday. Should be interesting. Oh and I'm also seeing more and more people without masks at the grocery store. They wear them to get in but get rid of them when they are inside the walls.
  13. Are you still on "lock down" up there? I have a client who told me she's likely not going back to work until after labor day. WTF is THAT noise??
  14. Says the snowflake who took offence for me calling her Orwellian.
  15. I worked at one of the top restaurants in Beverly Hills in the early 90's. We were famous for our meatloaf. As kids the best was warm meatloaf sandwiches with melted Kraft cheese the next day.
  16. Knife skills are crucial. That was the first thing they taught us at Culinary. Most people hold their knife wrong. With a chef's knife your hand is holding the blade more than the handle. We were on vacation with friends. Were going to BBQ some chicken. We had four whole chickens that I quartered in about 2 minutes. He was "holy *****!!! What did I just see here?" And he is a great cook. So in life you always want to make sure you have... Knife skills Bow hunting skills Computer hacking skills.
  17. I saw this on the news this morning. It makes sense and shouldn't be too difficult for them. It's not like they have jobs or anything to go to.
  18. The best things to smoke in my are large fatty cuts of meat like brisket or pork butt. The fat give it great flavor. The challenge is you need to be very patient because it takes all day. And chicken is a challenge. There is a fine line between juicy and flavorful and bland and dry. Chicken is better on a rotisserie than a smoker.
  19. I would love to see what the consensus is with that group regarding what they feel defunding the police means.
  20. You're going outside and ***** destroying the same police cars you ***** paid for! I love that. I would love to see him in congress. Someone that Nancy Pelosi would probably lock her car doors if she saw him walking towards her.
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