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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I rarely participate in polls here. But I’d love your comments on the outcome so far.
  2. I guarantee he would come away from a personal meeting with anyone of us feeling the exact same way.
  3. Why would I try to understand the agenda of a madman. You're seriously on your way to a coronary. I'm sorry I've pissed you off so much. Geez. All this for someone you don't know from Adam on a message board.
  4. Again ***** you for using D-Day to push your agenda.
  5. Ok we're racists, you hate us, you've made your point. You can leave now. Bye.
  6. Finally a rational response. All it took was for someone to call you out for using one of the bloodiest days in history to make a point about your crusade which has NOTHING do do with D-Day.
  7. Was the country built on slavery and oppression? NOPE. It was built on ideas and ideals. What was the purpose of slavery? It was how cheap labor was done for hundreds and hundreds of years. And the slave trade sill exists today. I don't see you marching or speaking out against that here so you must be PRO-SLAVERY!!! See how dumb your argument is?
  8. I will answer when you clarify your options. What lie was the country BUILT on? That all men are created equal?
  9. And what does this reveal about the individuals that interact here? Here is the absolute coolest part of these forums. We have no clue about the people we're talking to. Your skin color is apparent to me as your hair color. People for the longest time thought I was black because my avatar was Chef from South Park. I thought meade was a woman because he said something to me that seemed like he was coming on to me and chicks dig guys that can cook. Hell I'm met him and I'm still not sure if he's a man. Anyway my $.02
  10. Let me clarify. The immediate reaction may be greater that the assassination MLK but long term? It's the long term lasting impression. The assassination of someone who preached peace and love and equality vs a nobody murdered by a cop.
  11. "Sleeping in your bed shouldn't be a death sentence!" "Playing video games shouldn't be a death sentence!" "Shopping in a store shouldn't be a death sentence!" Good ***** Lord. Get a grip people. Oh and next time if you want to be taken seriously? Use your own words. Not a script someone wrote for you.
  12. He'd likely say "what do you mean crack ain't a thing anymore?!?!"
  13. If you got suspended from here you really have had to have done something egregious as I don't think we even HAVE mods here.
  14. Testy?? I'm just pointing out the schizophrenia that the left displays sometimes. Not sure where you come up with testy. I said it with a laugh. Not sure how the kitchen is. Shall I call my wife and ask her? Is it on fire? I'm worried now.....
  15. If you want to do away with aggression (not insinuating you're saying that just in case you're not) you're going to have to do an awful lot of human reprogramming.
  16. Yeah, but you'll never get those two fingers back will ya? Government is great! We need them to guide us through the darkness Government is bad!! They have created the brutal law enforcement system Government is great!! They will guide us to rebuild this brutal law enforcement system. Make up your damn minds will you.
  17. I don't think he's an extreme radical lefty. He's not even laid out his platform other than he's going to make the country a wonderful place in his first 100 days. Buffoon? Yes. Radical lefty? Nah
  18. And lord knows they are likely not paying taxes for those services.
  19. Here is a conversation I had with a VERY Christian friend of mine recently: Me: It doesn't make sense that government leaders said "no church services due to Corona!!" but then turned around and supported and even participated in protests. Maybe you should remind them that you too are protesting the brutal murder of a man of color by the authorities. Him: Oh no! We're not protesting it....we're celebrating it! Me: Ahhhh, I think I see your problem.
  20. No here's the real scary thing. Their biggest enemy is a rational conversation. That's all he was looking to do. Now maybe that wasn't the best time for it but their reactions to it was very telling. Here is the perfect example of their inability to have a rational and sane conversation. @GregPersons Had he come here and started with this?: Hey guys I want to open a conversation that I think is very controversial but I believe in it strongly and I'd like to hear your opinion. Blah blah blah...let's discuss. But no he came in like a drunk on a three day bender calling anyone and everyone here a racists. Putting your adversaries on a major defensive is not the way to start a debate. Yeah we all do that here to some extent but @GregPersons did it on steroids.
  21. It's progressives EVERYWHERE. And here's the scary thing. They have the spotlight and, for some reason, the backing of many of the people that are responsible for writing our laws.
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