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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Backtracking. What the ***** are you talking about???
  2. I'm not talking about statements. I'm talking about personal accusations. You understand the difference don't you?
  3. The MO of the week (weak). Call everyone and anyone a racist with nothing to back it up. It's an extremely lazy way to argue. And very boring as well.
  4. You live in a world of make believe don't you. Where you talk to make believe people on a make believe community and all of a sudden you make believe you know these make believe people in a make believe way. You don't know me. You don't know what I believe or what I don't believe so stop trying to figure me out. It's a wast of your time and you're a waste of mine. You're one of those guys that points a finger at people and accuse them of actions and inaction based on what exactly? Feels/opinions/make believe? I don't need your hope, I don't need your help, I don't need your ideas. I'm doing just fine. So we're done here.
  5. Cole is not a carrot. What's the carrot he dangles? And you're not the stick. You're just a hateful person. And you may hate racism (very few people don't) but you also come across as hateful to people you don't even know. And BTW a good leader rarely uses the stick. A GREAT leader leads by example and you have not once (for whatever reason) given us examples of what YOU'VE done to combat racism. Why is that? Is it because all you've done so far is stand here and yell "YOU ALL SUCK"? If so you're the ***** sales manager. Lead or give up. I don't live in Buffalo. I give locally.
  6. You’re like the sales manager that stands up in front of his staff and goes on in on how bad they are. How horrible their performance is. Ever damn staff meeting it’s the same thing. “You all suck! You’re pathetic! You’re the worst sales team ever!” And ends every meeting with “now get out there and sell sell sell!!” Finally someone raises their hand and asks “sir. What can we do to get better?” And his only response is “get better? Get better?? You’ll NEVER get better! You know why? Because you suck that’s why!! Now get out there and SELL SELL SELL!!” And you know what eventually happens? They stop listening and they end up quitting. And then he looks in the mirror and has an epiphany. He realizes the reason they couldn’t sell was because HE couldn’t sell. That is you in a nutshell. Look in the mirror. You’re the sales manager that can’t sell. Not that you’re a racist. I have no clue what’s in your heart. But I do know one thing about you that is just as bad as racism. It’s actually a very big part of racism. You’re filled with hate. Lots and lots of hate. So at the end of the day you’re no different from the people who actually ARE racist. Please learn from this.
  7. I have no clue. But you can agree there is an investigation right?
  8. Short and sweet. Well one our of two ain’t bad. But actually I’m missing Tibs. ?
  9. Interesting. Not close but very interesting nonetheless. But thanks for giving it a shot. And here are my basic impressions of you. You debate in circles while never arriving anywhere. You make accusations of people with no proof to back up those accusations and make points with nothing to validate your. Almost every argument you make is based on assumptions and opinions with very little facts.
  10. Words, actions and character are how I’m judged? Tell me about my actions and character.
  11. I’m still waiting for a story of an innocent woman shot by police with no investigative follow-up.
  12. There are videos already of me online. $150 from you and Warren and I’ll send you the links. I’m not asking you to go through my posts. You mentioned a specific post. Quote it here. How hard can it be? Well real hard if it doesn’t actually exist.
  13. You’re not going through my posts to prove an accusation? So you’re either lazy or you’re making ***** up. Send me your email and I’ll request the money from you and Warren. $150 each. Once it’s in my account we can discuss the terms of the recording.
  14. No we’re not on the subject of “missing women”. The specific details are different? No the only similarities in the two stories is they are about women. Please be a man and admit you ***** up on this one. There’s nothing wrong with that. I know you’re not asking me but I’ll give you my opinion. It’s an very unfortunate event with a lot of missing information and a ton of conjecture.
  15. Please point out that post where I denied racism is a present day reality? But what does that have to do with me questioning how you’ve come to the conclusion that I don’t speak out against racism,
  16. Actions. Actions. Actions. You have given us none of yours. You say “speak up when you see it”. What makes you so positive that I don’t? You have, for whatever reason, convinced yourself that I don’t. I don’t know where you get that idea.
  17. You’re the stick? Nah. You are not a stick. Of course I’m anti-racism. I just don’t need to stand on a soapbox and berate those that walk by to “prove” that I am. And why not tell us some of the things you’ve done? What personal information could that reveal. I need ideas. Race makes me uncomfortable? Please explain how you’ve arrived at that conclusion. I’m actually very comfortable with different races. So not sure where you come to these conclusions. And I blew up at Margarita?? Please quote what I said to her that you would construe as blowing up.
  18. Cole didn’t call me a racist from the get go and refer to me as a dickweed. And you expect me to compliment you? Oh and that was a backhanded compliment to Cole. No no no. I asked specifically what had YOU done.
  19. Nice words Cole. @GregPersons @Warren Zevon How about a list of all the things you’re doing to fight racism. Be good leaders. Lead by example. I’ll follow.
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