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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Only you’d marry someone who thinks racism is funny. Congratulate her for us.
  2. And what the ***** all does this have to do with a black guy from Houston? Or NY? Or LA? Or Buffalo?? Didn’t anyone I that group think to say “maybe this isn’t a great look.”
  3. News from the front: Had our first dine in restaurant dinner tonight in over three months for the wife’s birthday tonight. The restaurant was full and only saw two patrons with masks. The whole staff wore masks however. On the drive home down PCH it appeared that every restaurant was full. The streets were full and the traffic was heavy. Looks like The OC is back open for business. ?
  4. At least I have the balls to admit when I’m wrong. Something you’ll probably never do.
  5. Absolute photoshop. Zoom in and see the pixelation of the uniform but not the t-shirt. Pathetic.
  6. Mmhmmm. I thought Trump was a lying fraud. I’m thinking if he wore a mask fewer people would right? All of a sudden he becomes the sayer of what’s right? Oy.....
  7. I've been yelling about this forever. This is a well know tactic that officers (and other municipal employees) nearing retirement use to boost their pensions. Their pension are often based on the last few years of their compensation. So they load up on the OT which the younger officers gladly give up because they know they'll do the exact same thing when it comes to their retirement. That ***** has to stop.
  8. BRAVO!! And that's how you do it! That's how you win and prove someone (me) wrong. Not leaping first to TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP. Work on your tactics and we might just take you seriously.
  9. I was just saying that to the wife. I'm not going to give her crap for not being able to get up on her own after kneeling wearing a Kente clothe for nearly 9 minutes at her age. I'll give her crap for kneeling wearing a Kente cloth for nearly 9 minutes at her age however.
  10. No but posting this makes you one. Or something something.......
  11. But don't you dare try to cut government waste anywhere else. Conservatives have been yelling about government spending for years. Is our voice heard? Nope. I guess we need to resort to immature, childish petulant actions and burn ***** down.
  12. You overdefunded me. I’m sending you a bill for the balance. And I don’t like autopay. I hate writing those deposit slips (google it kids) let’s go with ACH instead.
  13. Please oh please oh please! Unless of course he wins. I don’t want to have to listen to Fran Drescher drone on for four years.
  14. You blew it dude. “Cities on Flame”.
  15. Then use a word that defines that like: Restructure Reorganize Reengineer Revamp You know words with a re prefix not a de prefix. And I would love to have had someone go around and ask the protesters when this word came out to define defund. I’m pretty sure a large majority would have described disband. Now? They’d all say “oh that’s not what we meant!”
  16. I’m asking you seeing, you know, you’re the one who said he has a blueprint. But I guess all he had was a pretty speech which was his forte. Good lord. And had the audacity to say I suck at this. And the sad thing is you think you’re winning.
  17. And I knew this would be your exact response. Boringly predictable. Now my turn to be predictable.. Please lay out Obama’s blueprint to combat a pandemic.
  18. This is excellent. I’ve been here forever Chevy and didn’t know this about you. I think I need to start paying closer attention.
  19. Again I ask about what Obama did and you come back with Trump Trump Trump!!! He had two years after that speech (which again was insightful and spot on) to do something. Ok he left a blue print. That’s great. What did it say? What were the steps?
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