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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Everybody was doing it everywhere. I was on Miami in 81-82 then moved to LA in 83. What a wonderful time to work in the restaurant biz. It was ***** insane.
  2. Well it makes about as much sense as your meme.
  3. Please explain how we have defunded any of those things. And please use the definition of defund prior to the past couple weeks.
  4. Awww thanks man! She had a great weekend. She appreciated the wishes. Well they can fudge what they died from.
  5. About 25 years ago I was the Chef of a restaurant in LA. I was in the locker room with one of my cooks who was black. We were shooting the *****. Me: Funny how the British have different words for foods. Like fries are chips. Potato chips are crisps. And they call crackers something else but I don’t remember ?. (It’s biscuits) Him: White people?? The look on his face was priceless. A look of holy *****!! Did I really just say that?? I’m really really sorry!! ??? I laughed my ass off and said “now that’s some funny ***** right there!”
  6. And arrested for selling drugs? What do you think?
  7. I never liked his gig but no one should lose their gig or livelihood just because a group of people don't like you. EDIT: BTW when are they coming after Mel Brooks? Or have they already?
  8. It wasn’t even the story. @BillStime the tool duped again!
  9. Not sure if this is where you got this but it’s a good read. https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/violent-protest-and-the-intelligentsia-11591400422
  10. Yeah almost. ? As I’ve said stupid should hurt. I think he got hurt.
  11. I would love to see how you’d respond if someone came your job followed you around with a megaphone and yelled “YOU SUCK!!” in your ear. Does that mean I agree with how the cops handled it but think about how you’d react.
  12. On a message board frequented by maybe 20 people. Yeah he’s making a difference. ?
  13. Here’s the crazy thing. There is another race in this country that has suffered a hell of a lot more than blacks and I don’t see many protests/marches for them. I’m assume he went from a lunatic to a raving lunatic. What a ***** hypocrite he is. He gets butt hurt when people make assumptions about him while that is his whole raison d’etre.
  14. Has this been verified? I suggest it get verified before everyone boycotts them.
  15. No my dear. White race is not the most violent and oppressive force on the face of the earth. That would be the human race.
  16. So Gregperson is French? Huh. Kinda makes sense. So let me ask. The success of the British, Germans, Swiss, Norwegians, Et Al was built on the backs, blood and death of the people of color?
  17. Feels great to be a duped tool? Whatever floats your boat.
  18. So how does that change the fact that you fell for it hook, line a sinker? Tool.
  19. I assume many of them hate Trump. So why resort to an obviously photoshopped picture? Well other than you’re a tool
  20. Yes you were wrong to post a pic of a West Point Cadet in a photo that WAS photoshopped. My Tweet? Which tweet is that?
  21. I saw “Speaker” and for a second there I was thinking Pelosi. Come on. You can understand why I jumped to that conclusion right?
  22. Awwww. That poor guy. I hope he goes on a diet and loses weight. How fat is he?
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