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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I don’t have one. So you can stop asking. Now let’s her back to the task at hand. What “gimme” question are we shying away from.
  2. No I’m not addressing Trumps stupid tweet. You said it was logical. I was just getting your take on the logic of other side. Nice two dance. It’s a numbers game. You do understand how math works right?
  3. Whoa $25. That sure solved the problem. I have my own charities/causes that I give to regularly. So anyway my question to you was what is this “gimme” question we are all shying away from?
  4. But it’s not as much fun to say that? Oh never mind. Your phone/computer, for some reason, only holds 4 memes so you’ve chosen” wisely.
  5. Then the “the reason cases are rising is because we’re testing more” is logical too correct?
  6. I agree. Same goes for Democrats wouldn’t you agree?
  7. Just not brown enough I guess. Like I told my Christian friend their mistake is celebrating his death at the hands of the authorities instead of protesting it.
  8. Seriously? He recycles the same 4 memes over and over and over. He’s boring as hell.
  9. Who was “The Breather” filming that?
  10. Yeah I got a PM saying facts only. I apologized for brining in a little humor.
  11. News from the front: At the gym as I type this. Not crowded maybe 50 people. Only saw two masks. Back to reality baby!!
  12. Thanks for letting us know. I just popped my head in and went... BOO!!!
  13. I think I get what you're doing here. Carry on you racist, boomer, blonde haired, Norwegian, left handed, goat herder.
  14. Based on the amount of activity I saw out and about this past weekend as things open up people will be spending lots of dough.
  15. He's very good at making assumptions. Almost always wrong. I think he needs to take his crystal ball to the shop. Sorry. I'm not following and no need to fill me in either.
  16. Good...good. How about is idiots hadn't rioted across he country we wouldn't have had cops in riot gear moving people along. So they get some of the blame too right??
  17. Because what he did did not warrant being arrested. He reached out to them and they pushed him away and he lost his balance and fell. Very simple. What, in your opinion, would have been a satisfactory way for them to have handled the situation? What if they had done what you suggested and during the arrest procedure he lost his balance and fell?
  18. Dinner was wonderful! No masks worn on the way in or out. Wife left hers in her purse and mine in my pocket. We could have left them in the car. Wife and a martini and I had a Pellegrino. No wine for me. I live in South Orange County. We don't have protesters. We're adults here.
  19. So Pretty Boy Newsom was going to look into what’s behind our expensive gas last April. https://www.latimes.com/business/la-fi-newsom-california-high-gas-prices-20190423-story.html?_amp=true He thinks we forgot about his looking into it for us back then and he looked into it (again) https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2019-10-21/gavin-newsom-california-high-gas-prices-should-be-investigated?_amp=true I’ve seen no report regarding his findings. He thinks we’ve forgotten. I have not. I think he’s not told us what he found because we’d not like what he discovered. Hey Gavin! I think my investigation has uncovered what may be behind it. https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2020-06-14/california-gas-tax-increase-coronavirus-recession?_amp=true And I’ve heard of no one calling him out on it. ?
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