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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. And please for all here define what is a quality home? Black lives matter. Can I get my lunch money back?
  2. Hogan’s Heroes was the only show I remember watching with my dad. He laughed and laughed at that show.
  3. Wait....so you keep insults in your back pocket to pull out an “ohhhhh yeah.....?!?!” Now that’s some sad ***** right there. Read the books if you want a good ideas of what LA was like in the ‘30’s and 40’s.
  4. And there it is. Defund means abolish. Abolish the whole just system and then what? You're asking a question that cannot be answered. Come on. Give it a shot. Take a guess. You must have SOME idea. And what I mean by that is you can't destroy a system without something in mind to take it's places. It could take years/decades to replace. What does society look like in the meantime? Let's just open up the prisons, no one goes on trial for ________ years until we figure this out. This is the most absurd thing ever. We can live beside the oceanLeave the fire behindSwim out past the breakersWatch the world die
  5. Awww damn. I have to wash my hair that night. I'll miss them both.
  6. Let him bloviate. Put him on ignore.
  7. He's still doing these? What's he talking about?
  8. All I have to say is this to @StHustle Your poll has been up for 8 hours. There have been 353 views and 42 replies but not one person has participated in your poll shows just how stupid your little exercise is. Good job. Yeah you're right it is garbage. Thanks for playing.
  9. If you think they shoved him because he was violating curfew you have not watched that video in detail. They shoved him because he approached them and reached out to them. If you think being "forcefully" moved along after you have approached a cop and reached out to him is violence I can't help you. Again the fact that he was old and couldn't keep his balance I'm sorry that happened. But I chalk this up to he played a stupid game and those are the consequences. His actions were stupid and he has some major culpability in the outcome. Now regarding the fact that it's my turn that using force was unprofessional? What do you want them to do? He ***** reached out to them. Police officers carry weapons that can be taken away from them and used against them. Do you think that might have been what when through their heads? Is that even a REMOTE possibility to you? If so then pushing him away from them was absolutely warranted. That is my point and has always been my point. My point is also this was a STRESSFUL situation. Highly charged and dangerous situation are your words. Cops were (and still are) under attack across the country. Verbally and physically so couple the stress of the situation and the fact they had ZERO clue what his intentions were by approaching them and reaching out to them moving him out of the way was justified.
  10. It’s not actually. This is highly contagious so at some point a vast majority of the people will likely get it. How many people do you know who have said “you know I think I had it back in.....” The most important stats are number of deaths? No. Percentages of cases that result in deaths and the demographics of those deaths.
  11. Social worker? The police. What a ***** low life coward.
  12. I had to check the date of this thread. The title would have made sense today or 10 years ago. Jesus I’ve know some of you a long time.
  13. Whose turn is it to milk the goat?
  14. I didn't fry it all. I still have few brain cells hangin' on.
  15. I wasn't wondering because I have a brain. @Buffalo_Gal You're skeptical I have a brain? Ouch that hurt.
  16. Oh yeah that's right. I forgot that whole Slavery in Ten Easy Steps board meeting I chaired. Carry on.
  17. We created slavery? Who are these we of which he speaks?
  18. And I think what this points out that many have said is that I think we know how to proceed here. Protect those that are most vulnerable to the virus and let the rest of us go about our lives as long as we are mindful of those that are vulnerable. Kind of like we should be doing every flue season. As I've mentioned my mom worries EVERY flu season.
  19. Sorry you don't agree with my charitable intent and giving. Which is strange seeing you have NO idea what my charitable giving is. You and Greg are real good at assuming things about people you know nothing about. It's a horrible trait. Anyway back to the topic at hand which you have refused to address. What gimme question are we shying away from?
  20. Simply? No giving to the right charity is not simple. You have to do youR research. I ask you. What is the breakdown of that $25 you gave? Where did every penny go? How much of it went to the actual cause you fight for? Now back to the question that started this conversation. What is the gimme question we are well sidestepping?
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