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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. You think he’s smart enough to know he is to draw it backwards??
  2. “See how woke I am!!” Yeah you’re gonna woke up in a prison cell girlie. That’s ***** hilarious!!
  3. Why is this in this thread? EDIT: Oh wait....I know why BEST PANDEMIC EVER!!!
  4. Your private Donald porn stash? Obsession is not healthy.
  5. News from the front. Dentist appoint today. Just had to call from the car when I arrive and wear a mask until in the chair. So in the past three weeks. Haircut Dr Appt (2) In restaurant dining Gym Dentist Nothing to see her folks. Move along. Party’s over.
  6. It's been ***** AWESOME!!!! Thank you for this amazing entertainment!1 You have to be the only one in the world that has dumb memes saved on their computer.
  7. So randomly attacking and robbing people is a thing with it's own word. Awesome. ?
  8. Really?? This is worthy of it's own thread? I was wrong calling you nuts. You're childish.
  9. I'm sorry maybe it's because I'm old but what is wilding and how can it be taken the wrong way?
  10. What the *****??? I would love to know what kind of investigation they had and who they interviewed and what the relevant information they came up with that made this action justified.
  11. No I see what you're saying. Thanks for clarifying. And clarify this for me. Who is this fat lunch guy you keep talking about?
  12. I don't give a flip what the former cop said. I'm referring to the pictures you posted vs what happened in Buffalo. And who is this fat lunch man you're talking about?
  13. Yup those are the exact same situation that was in Buffalo. Oy............. Were they in riot gear?
  14. Why didn't they arrest him? The reason I can't answer that is because I wasn't inside their head. Can I speculate? Sure. Maybe their first reaction was "don't touch me...move along or we will arrest you!" Then he got knocked to the ground. Arresting him at that point would have been a very back visual. Regarding the bold. I've always say stupid should hurt. Guess what? It did.
  15. If you truly believe your initial comment what are you doing to help those in places like Chad? And no not the place in Seattle. Chad is a actual country. Invoking morality? ? Its abolitionists. I was going to say spellcheck is a wonderful thing but you were so far off it’s not worth it.
  16. I can see it now: Hogan <to Major Hochstetter>: Hey there Sarge! Hochstetter: Who is this man?!?! Klink: Colonel Hogan. He’s the ranking POW officer. Hochstetter: Is he Jewish?? If so off to the gas chamber with him!!! <hysterical laugh track>
  17. So the police are funded to keep POC down? Yup if we only filled in those potholes everything would be alright. You can go now.
  18. So I see you understand the pro-life movement as well as many understand the BLM movement. If one more person brings up pro life in an argument like this....?
  19. If you’re DUI they don’t just let you go home. You need to be processed.
  20. What was the PC’s issue with the show? Don’t tell me. It glorified Nazis? People need to her a sense of humor. Did they realize that the major Nazi characters were Jewish.
  21. In one post Alf said he heard he was afraid to go back to prison and in an other that he’ll just turn himself on.
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