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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Methinks you don’t know what a fool’s (it’s possessive) errand means.
  2. Hopeless? You tell me to google a word when I ask what it means. When I get the definition I realize you’re not even using it right. I guess better to be hopeless than clueless.
  3. First off you don’t even know the meaning of this word you’ve added to the PPP lexicon and second I’ve admitted he will lose?
  4. And you choose to believe how is a racist based on what history in particular? And your last sentence will be so much fun to roll back out when either: A. He wins or B. He loses, congratulates the winner and leaves on his own accord.
  5. So he uses the term and he doesn’t even know what it means. Good job @first_and_ten
  6. Absolutely. My thought is he’s not a racist. Were Bill Clinton supporters adulterers?
  7. Bleach doesn’t make things white it makes things whiter. It gives things an even greater privilege. It must be banned!! Brownies.
  8. So, in your mind, everyone who supports Trump is a racist?
  9. First off define a Trumplet (that’s a new one. You get points for originality)
  10. You hit all the bullet points with this one. Braaaavo!
  11. Have you visited a 3rd world country? You have no idea how good you have it here. You'd bawl your eyes out and cry for you mommy if you found yourself in a true 3rd world country.
  12. Set up like a bowlin' pin Get knocked down it gets to wearin thin Well not really. I can watch those morons get run over all day long. I hear they are accepting applications for citizenship.
  13. Thanks for the education on how Medicare works. When you say we'll pay "somewhat more" in taxes what does that even mean. Wait.....are you Elizabeth Warren?? Personally I like the fact that it's hard to immigrate here. It makes sure we get motivated people. Make them work for it.
  14. Awesome. I see the teenage contingent has spoken.
  15. Free Healthcare and open borders does just that.
  16. Oh no doubt. Those lost souls don't understand why they are doing this but it's quite obvious to the rest of us. Once this all settles down they'll go back to their ignoring the problem and going about their boring lives. It's very phony, transparent and pathetic. $1,000?? Welcome to Joe's toolbox. BTW I looked to contribute -$100 and it didn't let me. And it asks if you're employed and if so who is your employer and occupation. Ummmm why is this ncessary?
  17. This is not so much about DADA/DAVA/DOODOO crap DACA! But I’ll put this here. What are all your thoughts about free healthcare for all AND open borders? I hope this pandemic has opened your eyes to the absurdity of those two things together. Thoughts.
  18. If you base who is in the White House in whether or not you’re proud of this country says an awful lot about you and I can’t help you. And the comment about being able to visit Europe? How woke of you! How about those that would just like to be able to visit Disneyland? Or the ***** grocery store? Talk about white privilege.
  19. How much money did these Psychologists make to come to that conclusion? Did they also determine that water is wet?
  20. DAHA? Wasn’t that a Norwegian band from the 80’s?
  21. FL has better beaches? That’s up for major debate.
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