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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. What percentage of those in attendance were actually from Oklahoma?
  2. I bet you’ll be over the moon of any of those “mouth breathers” die. Good times!
  3. Headline: Trump Rally Poorly Attended BEST PANDEMIC EVER!!!!
  4. Small crowd? So what’s the pandemic worry? You seem confused.
  5. Of course the right camera angle. You expect it to come from the left?? Geeesh.
  6. People are idiots for crowding into an auditorium during a pandemic and if a smaller crowd than expected showed up (Likely due to the pandemic) it’s LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! ?
  7. Perfect example of damned if you do damned if you don’t. Whatever......
  8. Buffalo "jerks" part three. Yes Rich Stadium 1977. I remember they cut the show short after I frisbee (or beer bottle) his Chris Squire's bass. And of course I got one of those ugly jackets! http://forgotten-yesterdays.com/dates.asp?ftype=1&qdec=1970&qdateid=1277
  9. And if it doesn't? I think this is a great experiment. Trump is taking a huge gamble on this but it could pay off in spades. Wait.....can I say that?
  10. I disagree. Those should be offered by the person who is sponsoring their visa. It shouldn't be mandatory either. The sponsor should also help them navigate the process to becoming a citizen.
  11. Geez Buffalo fans were real jerks. I saw them at the Aud during the One More From the Road tour. I'll never forget Ronnie was leaning over at the front of the stage. One hand on the mike the other half way down the mic stand. Someone in the front jumped up and tried to grab his hat off his head. He quickly bashed the guy in the face with the bottom of the mic stand. Those bases are heavy and must have done some damage to the guy's face. It was a beautiful moment.
  12. Name me one country that offers free healthcare. Just one.
  13. I take it you don’t know what the economy is.
  14. Oh you can fix it. And the reason it’s often not fixed is because it usually doesn’t hurt. I’ve given that as my motto here many times. Stupid should hurt.
  15. I think those that think both are a good idea are in the minority. The thing that concerns me most about this is some of them are/were running for President. What that leads me to is do they really think that’s a good idea (and if so we must question their decision making process) or are they pandering. Sure politicians pander and that’s why I’ve always disliked politicians but that’s horribly obvious pandering. I agree in the visa issue. It drives me crazy when people say “If we close the borders who’s going to pick the grapes!!!!????” Well there is a process for that in place you numbskull. My question to you what reasonable perks are you talking about? Thanks.
  16. Good for you. Put it on your resume. But here’s the funny thing. Yes I know it’s only Urban Dictionary but according to that you also don’t know what it means. But that is neither here nor there. The truth of the matter is very few, if any of us here, worship The Donald.
  17. Several of you don’t read directions well. Tibs you’re one of them but damn this post is brilliant. We bow to your intellect.
  18. There is a documentary about it. Amazon Prime I think.
  19. I was a huge Skynyrd fan. Still am. Played drums in a band in the mid 70’s and unknowingly fashioned my style after Pyle. Oh no you don’t come out and say you have a concert story and share it via PM.
  20. Lucky Charms have to go for so many reasons. It parodies the Irish as wee little men in green hats. It also gives children the false impression that luck is real and promotes a gambling culture. This evil breakfast cereal must GO!! Little Miss Muffet
  21. Oh I’m not looking to win. Just pointing out the errors or your ways that’s all.
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