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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. My brother in law has lived in Seattle for several years. He has always said Seattle seems to be trying to be the new San Francisco. Looks like they’ve surpassed SF big time.
  2. During her driving test my sister stopped at a stop sign and a beer bottle rolled from under the seat and hit the guy grading her in the foot. ? Dad with a sandwich in one hand, a smoke in the other and a beer between his legs.
  3. No I took it to mean be mindful of your idols.
  4. Way to take a stand. Let me rephrase. Of the three which is more likely the biggest contributor?
  5. It has NOTHING to do with communism and everything to do with critical thinking and change.
  6. Let me ask you a question. Not sure how old you are but did you, your dad or your grampa ever concern themselves with drinking while they drove? My dad never thought twice about driving with a beer between his legs. We’d be horrified at the thought of that today. And that’s just 40 plus years ago. Not sure if this is a good analogy but it was the first one that popped in my head.
  7. Beat me to it. It blows my mind how people judge individuals from 500 years ago based on our values of today. Take a moment to look at the cartoon and use your critical thinking skills. I’m sure you’ll figure it out on your own.
  8. Sure doesn’t look like any block party I’ve been to. ?
  9. Forgive me if this was asked but to our progressive/liberal friends here why do you think the turnout was so low yesterday? A. His support is waning? B. He got punked on TikTok? C. The pandemic kept people away?
  10. Sing it with me! Coooovidhoma where the germs come sweepin’ down the plain!!
  11. Oh and @BillStime ? Covidhoma works so much better but then again you’re not really that whole meme thing. Oh and I missed that deplorables bit at the bottom. Nice touch. ?
  12. And the people in these areas are electing the same people over and over and over again. The definition of insanity.
  13. He was below capacity in November 2016 too and look what THAT got him.
  14. Hey people!! Let's get back on track here!! Star Wars.
  15. Minorities? Applied towards community service? What exactly are they implying?? Still drunk from his Trump Rally Failure celebration last night I think.
  16. And the funny thing is if the place had been packed inside and out there would have been post after post about how stupid his cult is for getting together during a pandemic. So enjoy your time in the sun.
  17. It's so confusing. People are idiots for planning on going to a rally during a pandemic and when they decide to stay away likely because of said pandemic the rally was a failure? Did I get that right?
  18. So trump supporters are actually smart because they stayed away during a pandemic. Cool thanks.
  19. Oh so you know where all those in attendance are from? Cool. Not sure how you know that but you must for your point to make any sense right??
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