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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I'm sorry. What am I missing here?
  2. Then why try to pry an incredible recipe from a racist?
  3. I would love to hear from a life insurance actuary on this. The are wizards at measuring risk and the risk of death. That's what we're all concerned about right? Who gives a ***** about getting sick. I think we'd all like to know what the current actuarial risk of dying from the virus and how they would price that into life insurance if at all at this point.
  4. I don’t have him on ignore and I have no idea what he’s babbling about.
  5. Yes. That’s why you shut the whole thread down??
  6. If you consider social security socialism you are a fool. Wait....Tibs said that? Oh never mind.
  7. I was working with a British guy in a restaurant in the mid 80’s. He was so pissed because of all the hoops he was jumping through and money he was spending to go through the process when all the other Hispanic workers were here illegally. I don’t know if he ever became a citizen.
  8. My point is get used to it. Questions are the poison to the ill informed.
  9. He was outside in the sun a lot. Hey you’re getting new material. Proud of you man! ?
  10. Well I think it’s wrong to say people are blaming their problems on a statue. What Conservatives think the answer will be to this question: Why are you tearing down these statues? ”Because they’re oppressive!!” When the answer will likely be: ”I dunno.”
  11. Well reading the responses that tweet didn’t go over so well. ?
  12. Depends. How much did they get for them and what was my commission?
  13. Ok I had to google Mama June. I'm disappointed in all of you.
  14. Note to self. Never to the grocery store with a mask after eating a hard boiled egg for breakfast. ?
  15. So in order for a leader to make a difference in the outcome of the pandemic he has to lead the country when most decisions on how to handle the pandemic are being made at the state level?? #OrangeManBad at it's finest
  16. Regardless who started it it demonstrates two things. 1. The power of social networking. How ANTIFA is able assemble so quickly without leadership...... @Warren Zevon 2. Imagine the "outrage" of "election interference!!!" had anyone done this to a Democrat's rally. Oh and to be honest I give them props to them for pulling it off. Good job.
  17. Ok. I have no idea who she is so have no reference of her history. It just seemed as her questions were rhetorical and it came across as the brutality of the beating was justified. This is often the issue with the written word without a dialog.
  18. So the question was "I wonder what this place would look like if _____________had been elected" and your answer is "probably the same". Now you're saying the leader can have a huge effect on the outcome (which I agree BTW). But you just seem confused.....again.
  19. So whoever is the elected leader is will have zero effect on the outcome of the virus? Can we quote you on that?
  20. No, I'm referring to the tweet you linked. Her tween appears to be justifying the brutal attack due to all the pent up rage and they she seems to understand it therefore justifying it.
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