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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Good lord dude. Do you know what doesn't get paid by non-profits? TAXES. You're not this dumb are you?
  2. You didn't get a tax cut? You may want to talk to your CPA. Trump was elected in part because he said he'd repeal and replace Obamacare. You guys B word when he goes back on campaign promises and now you complain about him keeping his promises. Geez. You guys complain a lot. Who said repealing Obamacare would leave millions without insurance? Is that going to happen? I'm relying on the replace part of repeal and replace to make it better. We shall see. The guy who got the contract worked for the pentagon under the Bush administration. How does that make him a Trump crony? Methinks you don't know what a crony is.
  3. You also sidestepped my question for an explanation of this. Cmon Bill. Quit the false outrage. Is he a crony?
  4. Pray for the people of Florida? No..... BEST PANDEMIC SECOND WAVE EVER!!!
  5. A couple of questions and I'll even give you your answers. 1. How many other companies were they bidding against? a. Answer: 2 2. Why did they win the contract? a. Answer: I don't know and neither do you? 3. How have they done regarding the contract? a. Answer: I don't know and neither do you. 4. How many other companies got first time government contracts? a. Answer 445. Seems like a lot. Why pick on this one (rhetorical question) 5. Ford never made ventilators before but they rushed in to help. Why are you pointing a finger at this company for doing the same? a. Answer: Simple. Orange Man Bad!! So I'll ask you one question that I'd love to hear your answer on. Based on the above. Why the outrage?
  6. Good start. What percentage of the population has been infected?
  7. You’ll get a bunch of crickets on that question. It’s simple again. Awareness and not sending them back to their death chambers.
  8. The whole world has been targeted. And again a vast majority of those that were going to die have. How else would you explain the dramatic rise in cases (simple: letting people out to live their lives and increased testing) and the dramatic decline in deaths (simple: death is running its course and change the determination of “death from Covid”).
  9. A vast majority of those that “will die” from the virus have (and it ain’t 2,000,000). It’s pretty simple actually.
  10. You said the implications of the question were obvious when you don’t even know what the question was. Isn’t that a fair question?
  11. How was the question worded? In the Fox News report it said “when it comes to best handling the coronavirus.....” I’ll ask again and maybe someone will answer. How did Biden handle the virus better than Trump? How did he handle it at all? So is it just bad reporting/journalism? Nah, that never happens.
  12. I’ll ask again seeing it was a poll question. How did Biden handle the coronavirus better than Trump? What did he do better? And this had been brought up too many times for it not to have finally sunk in. Who has been the most responsible for handling the pandemic? The President or the Governors?
  13. “When it comes to best handing the coronavirus in these battle ground states these voters favor Biden over Trump.” Huh? How has Biden “handled” the coronavirus?
  14. I guess you didn’t read or more likely in your case understand the stupidity of the headline of the second picture.
  15. I'm going to jump in here and ask a question that may have already been asked/answered so forgive me. What percentage of the EU population has been tested vs the US? How many?
  16. I'd rather not say however you may be able to figure it out. They have not been here for nearly a month so they may very well be returning soon. Well then................. ***** that. I have a job.
  17. There is a real cool function to avoid those types of things. It's called..........scroll. Which to be fair he no longer uses.
  18. No some, for some reason, think I am. As a matter of fact trying to prove that by posting a picture of me from 10 years ago (with my permission) the picture included my wife (without my permission). He was give a vacation. And then I assume he's behind this scenes now passing on to Gary that I'm fat. So based on that I just assume that everything Gary says now is made up.
  19. So we can all be chased around here and called fat, racists, Nazis by those that suffer no consequences (which is the way it should be seeing we self regulate here) but Gary get's butt hurt (not sure if that's actually how the mods found out) and poof one of the most prolific posters here is no vacation for one month? I would love so see what he posted.
  20. But I have been labeled a racist by the powers that be here in PPP so therefore I am.
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