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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. As a jam band fan I’ll say no. If it’s not at least 15 minutes it’s not for me. ?
  2. Am I the only one that sees “Should absinthe be illegal” whenever you see this thread title?
  3. I drive under all sorts of bridges. Come to the dark side known as South Orange County. Since LA has become their Mecca I’ve not seen one homeless person here. We thank you for your compassion.
  4. 18-year-old Althea Bernstein told police that the thugs yelled racial abuse before attacking her in Madison, Wisconsin. So now it’s ok to call them thugs as long as they are white? Oooookay.
  5. Why are they not camping out in the neighborhoods where I work/live/play? ?
  6. Why mention that in a paragraph about the EU Garybo?
  7. Here’s the funny thing. Had he demanded all Americans follow a strict protocol as opposed to leaving it up to the states it would have been cries of “see he IS a dictator!!!”
  8. My wife has been saying if she finds out what hotels are housing the homeless she’ll never stay there. The Mark Hopkins!? ? Funny because I almost never see homeless.
  9. Hate to break it to you but I don’t give a flip what you think. But thanks for playing. Ummm. A little FYI for you. Canada’s not part of the EU. ?
  10. Couldn’t be happier. BillStime is posting memes for the 573rd time and he’s throwing out “I know you are but what am I?” comebacks so all is right in the world. ?? I thought they were “the pen is mightier than the sword but my Glock will blow your ***** brains out!”
  11. I rest my case Peewee. So DR wasn’t suspended? He died?? ?
  12. Have you ever had an original thought/idea in your life?
  13. You know who really got the biggest tax cuts? I'll give you a hint. It wasn't the rich. Cheer up "bro". It's Friday!!
  14. If I've told you all once I've told you all a thousand times..............
  15. Damn straight. You jealous of his networking abilities.........bro?
  16. Taxes are a two way street. Taxes come in and they go out. Non-profits many times are created for one reason and one reason only. Tax avoidance. As a tax payer does that help our hurt you? Please draw the line from the company in that article you linked to Trump that allowed you to come to the conclusion that he is Trump's "buddy". This ought to be fun.... *****. You were doing so well and then you slip back to dumbass meme territory.
  17. And I must be incorrectly reading your incorrect reading of the tweet. LOL
  18. This is interesting. We start having everyone back July 6th and will check temps daily. I have not been trained on the protocol but if a high temp has to be reported as a COVID-19 case that’s really stupid.
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