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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. And her color has exactly what to do with this? Damn you guys are obsessed with skin color.
  2. Well there you go. This tweet is living proof! Police gotta go!! ?
  3. How much staff do they have to cut for a 7 figure deficit? Five? ? And how much of that is pension obligations?
  4. White supremacist? Was he wearin’ a uniform?
  5. A bunch of white people used to stand in the corners in Oakland with BLM signs. ? Dark matter is the cool *****.
  6. Have them remove all their barriers and give them buckets and scrub brushes to clean up their mess. Fine them and use the monies to clean up. No taxpayer dollars should be used to restore the neighborhood back to its original state.
  7. When I hear someone say “all lives matter” leads me to believe they don’t understand the term “black lives matter.” And that’s ok. They’ve done a real ***** job marketing it.
  8. What exactly is this justice they are looking for. BLM is in dire need of a marketing department. Oh wait no. That would likely be a terrible idea.
  9. The military is often where we find our best leaders. Not our weenie politicians.
  10. Not me. We don’t need this ***** right now. Sure it would be great to have these ANTIFA weenies put in their place but it’s only going to make our divide greater.
  11. So are we now doing a good job or not? Maybe it’s because it’s so early here but I’m confused.
  12. That’s the reason? Geez if we EVER want to travel to Europe again we have to elect a real leader. Know one?
  13. Assumptions? You don’t think the actions of many of the protesters/rioters is not energizing the base and beyond? I think you’re in for a rude awakening come November.
  14. Well then get off your lazy ass and join the Biden campaign to get him elected. Being and angry SOB on a politics message board ain’t helping. And your “friends” pulling down monuments, taking over city blocks, burning and looting businesses aren’t doing the party any good either. They are only energizing the “other side.” But not the Bills family. ?
  15. But extremely likely. Dude can’t do anything right and it’s a pretty safe bet had he done exactly what all the lefties are saying he should have done every one of them (likely yourself included) would find some way to criticize him. It’s quiet hilarious to watch actually. And what stalwart supporters would you be referring to?
  16. No. More conservative people that demand it. People first government second.
  17. Let me clarify. And this corner is the only place I’d usually see the random “homeless” person asking for help. Oh and @SoCal Deek how often you see this in your neck of the woods?
  18. I didn’t know. That’s cool actually. More dollars staying in the States. ??
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