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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. People are going back to work. They are getting screened. We start people back full time on Monday. Everyone gets their temp taken and asked screening questions. If they fail they are sent home. These obviously are not counted as positive tests but I wonder how many who fail the screening go out and get tested? With all that’s going on of course positives will go up. More and more are getting tested. As many have stated it’s the number of deaths that we need to be looking at not the positive tests.
  2. Oh geez. Think of some of the ***** we said when we were their age.
  3. Why on earth would I do that?? You provide such great entertainment value! Keep up the good work! ?? Because you’re too pathetic to engage.
  4. Yes I’m judging. I’m judging that you’re adding to your long resume of childish posts.
  5. Forget it. They don’t answer questions. It exposes their naivety. And I’m being kind calling them naive. He’s asking for your personal thoughts to those questions. Google won’t work. You’re pathetic whataboutism doesn’t work here. I suggest you stop while you still have a thread of dignity.
  6. Are you an expert at municipal budgeting with a specialty on policing needs? I'll ask again because I didn't get an answer the first time. What are the jet skis used for? What degree would you want them to have and how would that degree help them become the police officer you'd like them to be?
  7. If he didn't start them he'd not have to delete them. See what I did there?
  8. Ban you?? Have some balls and just go away.
  9. Not but the rest of the planet is pretty ***** up.
  10. Holy ***** hell!! You have the unmitigated gall to say this? This is even beyond a pot meet kettle post.
  11. No *****. Keep that football crap off of this forum.
  12. So little Gary deleted his thread just as was predicted. He should take the walk of shame and never be taken seriously as a man here again.
  13. If she doesn't she needs to go. My brother in law lives there as well as a few clients. I'd love to get their take on this.
  14. What are you ***** nuts!! I'm ready to get away from this mess.
  15. It I was a Seattle taxpayer I'd be furious having to pay to clean up their mess. I'd say "I'm not paying my taxes until my demands are met!!" Two can play that game.
  16. You can think he was great. That’s cool. What made him great in your opinion?
  17. No worries. People are so quick to point at things they have no clue what they are and say “SEE!!!! WE TOLD YOU!!!”
  18. Again pick a new word then. What were the jet skis for BTW?
  19. She’s conservative? You know her? Is she this much of a jerk all the time?
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