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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I don’t follow those shows. Not what I do and I highly encourage people not to as well.
  2. Ahhhh sports and pizza. That will explain why I’ve not heard of him.
  3. I hate to admit I don’t know who he is.
  4. And I wouldn't be surprised if her "banning" The Dukes had nothing to do with racism and everything to do with hatred.
  5. What's with all the skin color? Once again the left is obsessed with it? Why is that?
  6. That's like the Buffalo Bills refusing to play the New England Patriots until they release their Chowder recipes. Wait...did I just use a football analogy? EDIT: That was a food analogy.....a FOOD analogy. Whew, that was close.
  7. So Joe is now just figuring out that via this newfangled thing called television you can reach more people? Welcome to the 50's Joe.
  8. He blew the answer to that question Cuomo: Did anything happen to your property that night? Guy with gun (sorry don’t know his name): No sir. And you know why? I was protecting it with my gun!!
  9. Wait.....isn’t Trump a republican? Someone’s confused.
  10. Hillary would have been just as corrupt and Obama was just as bad.
  11. Asking someone to hypothesize on how a dead person would react to something happening today is meant to accomplish what exactly? Malcom would hate Trump! Ok you can go away now.
  12. He'd probably say a lot of thing about your first question. The second one he'd probably say "may I see some proof of this?"
  13. The Times just asked CNN to hold their beer. Stay tuned.................................
  14. I didn't see any KKK members impersonating police in that video. Actually I'm not even sure what the ***** I saw there. Care to clue me in @Penfield45
  15. Yes. That’s what I originally posted last night.
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