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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Tag them so they can debate your accusations. And of course it could be done. Most others likely have more important things to do. Like pick their noses. I cleaned out the cave earlier.
  2. There are plenty of great parts with few idiots. Like where I live.
  3. It’s a big state. You can avoid the idiots if you like. What I love most about it? Was talking to a friend in GA. She said she was trying to find an all natural bug repellent. My response? “What’s bug repellent?”
  4. Yeah I know the quote. Where did he call them racists? You’re so brainwashed you type racist when you don’t mean to. And after you correct your dumbass mistake work on your reading comprehension. And after you’re done that come back with your mea culpa for saying Trump called Mexicans racists.
  5. What a ***** mess. Arrest them all and fine them and use the proceeds to pay to clean up THEIR mess. Isn’t vandalism still a crime in this country? I’m thoroughly disgusted. ?
  6. Good! They suck too! The fact that it’s the best ***** place in the country to live. But you guys keep hating on it.
  7. No....don’t you dare come here. You’re conservative and not Hispanic. We don’t allow your kind here.
  8. So I ask you. How did they get in and what difference does that make? Do you live in a gated community? If not care to take a gander why those who do have chosen to and pay a lot for that?
  9. Well I don't like to speak for the others but I think it's safe to say they have not responded because is a stupid premise and no one takes you seriously here. So which couple would be bet on backing Trump? Tag them and ask them directly. This should be interesting. Don't you dare..................
  10. As was mine. Now back to the “debate”. So you have no clue what percentage of Americans would be ok with Trump not conceding his loss. Ok fine.....sort of. You’ve been here long enough to answer this. Who of us here do you think would be ok with it and why?
  11. Would you be happy if the predictions were 2,000,000 dead and we stand at 120,000 plus? Asking for a friend.
  12. When you can’t debate you call the grammar police.
  13. Than I look? There you go again. Liberal judging books by their covers again.
  14. Come on man. Take a swing at it! You started a thread on the whole premise so you should have an idea. What percentage? And would I back him if he did that? Is this really who you think we are? I suggest you get out more. Step away from your liberal circle. Talk to a Billy Bob deplorable or two. You’d be surprised. But me? I’d take my legally owned weapon and help him pack.
  15. Oh he’s not yet. But he will. No doubt about it. It’s coming. Just wait for it. Mark my words. ?
  16. Actually I’m not serious I don’t gamble but that’s how strongly I feel that he will concede.
  17. How many Americans do you think would be ok with this? What percentage?
  18. The fact that Twitter felt the need to Tweet that is ***** pathetic and shines a bright light on who they are and who runs their company. I mean seriously. Who in the company has access to their account to Tweet? How often do they Tweet and what is typically the nature of their Tweets?
  19. Out of everything he wrote you chose to respond to grammatical error. Commonman! Debate ya weenie. My next year’s paycheck vs yours.
  20. So they are threatened with violence and they are going to cower? That’s how and why the mob runs free. They are not confronted.
  21. Really? Is this something that concerns you?
  22. Don’t get all pissy when the election didn’t go your way. Do better next time. And a “wise” man once said “elections have consequences”.
  23. So..... 1. I take it Twitter doesn’t have an edit button. Why not? 2. So they are our parents 3. Now I will never use Twitter.
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