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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Well it depends on who wins and who you’re talking to.
  2. Sorry this is Jim’s butler. He will respond when he’s done counting his money….sometime in June.
  3. She should. I know they love their jobs and likely the power that goes with it but damn I'm "only" 61 and work 2 months a year and absolutely love it. She and Paul need to sail off into the sunset.
  4. Morels ain't no joke!
  5. This is a football site???
  6. Sorry Jack. It wasn't me.
  7. How are they comparable? One saved millions of jobs during a once in a century pandemic. One saved some people a couple hundred bucks a month on loans owed by many people who have ZERO problem paying them off. And for those who struggle to pay their student loans there are already several forgiveness programs available. What was available for people who could not work due to pandemic forced shutdowns? Not even close to being comparable. Comparing the two is lazy and I know you're better than that.
  8. Prayers for those without water.
  9. Well something needs to be done however it’s elimination ain’t one of them.
  10. Story. Older friend's family was putting a new roof on their barn. There were only the rafters so he came up with the great idea to throw apples out the roof at passing cars. He would be the lookout and my brother (Bob) and I would throw the apples. Friend: CAR!! NOW!! Friend: Wait.....it's your dad!! Us <Throwing Apples> : Too late! But what are the chances we (thud thud).....oh *****. Dad: Bob! Jim!! Get down here Bob and Jim: How did he know it was us??
  11. I think half the people that chased us after we threw snowballs at their car were just trying to scare the ***** out of us. Fun times man, fun times!
  12. New adjective (I think seeing I've lost track): Taking Away.
  13. See, we can come together if we focus on people's looks and not their politics. Trump = Orange Man. Not Orange Man Bad. Just Orange Man Biden = Walter. Not Senile Joke. Just Walter
  14. Mmmmm morels.
  15. The head of the RNC and who else? I’m curious to see what percentage of the 263 GOP members of the House and Senate are calling for putting SS and Medicare on the “chopping block”? And yes….I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night.
  16. Who said he was a nobody? I just making fun of you saying he owns CNN. LOL.
  17. Operated by? I thought he owned it. Hmmmm. Why the change? 🤔 I ain’t the pathetic one. You’re posting like a psychotic madman here. Sad and funny all at the same time. Relax man. Life will carry on.
  18. The head of the RNC and who else? I’m not lying dude. And I really don’t think you are either. It’s just in you ever increasing psychotic state you’re becoming more and more delusional and believe all this nonsense you read from all these Twit for Brains. Social security is NOT going anywhere. Mark my word. Will it be overhauled? Yes, it needs to be but it’s not going to be eliminated. 🙄
  19. Here’s the crazy thing. People making good money already pay a shitload in taxes. If you live in CA and are a single filer and make $500,000 which is good money but not Uber wealthy you pay between Fed/State/Payroll your total income taxes are 48%. Can someone explain why/how this is a good thing. Twitter is not OUR social media.
  20. Warner Bros. Just an FYI. The CEO is not the “owner”. You are hilarious. 😂😂😂
  21. The one or two GOP members who have talked about sunsetting it are going to talked over the whole government and end it in their own. The sunset is only a ploy. Have you not been paying attention? 😏
  22. The obvious? What is “our social media” and who bought it? 🤔
  23. And when it doesn’t you admit you were wrong right? Oh wait, you’re never man enough to do that. You proved that last night. Carry on little boy.
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