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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Yes I am. And why are you posting this meme for the 10,000th time? What does that have to do with our conversation?
  2. There’s making fun of someone and then there is making fun of someone with a deadly virus. Sorry...you crossed a line here. And I’ll wait for you to point out when I do it. And you better believe I’ll point it out when my “friends” does it. Take your next paycheck and buy some class.
  3. In my mind I’d rather know what they plan on doing while they are here. No employer sponsorship no entry. We are not the world’s savior. Sounds harsh but one of our biggest issue is too many people. This isn’t the 1800’s. Finding a job sponsor remotely is doable.
  4. So drug dealers who are in danger of being killed by rival gangs? Come on in!! You may want to rethink or at least clarify your post.
  5. How about undocumented workers? Hmmmmm no.... ? Stationary employees? Not quite right.... ? Southern servants? Closer...... ? Enslaved Democrats!
  6. Not my point. Making fun of someone who gets it based on their political affiliation is out of line.
  7. So you’re getting a kick out of someone who has a deadly virus because she’s associated with Trump? You’re pathetic.
  8. I know I mentioned this before but it bares repeating. My wife got deathly I’ll when we live in the city. It was a virus of some sort that made breathing difficult, hell almost impossible at times. It lasted 3 months. She swore she got it riding MUNI. When she got better she dumped MUNI and bought a scooter. It was fun living in the city while we did but I have never been as sick as I was when I lived there.
  9. Because they likely think it’s silly they have to. Im pretty sure not one damn person here would be cool with that.
  10. If he loses and leaves peaceably will you give us your long winded mea culpa?
  11. Now why on earth would we want murderers, rapists and drug dealers working on our farms and in our meat plants. ? But seriously. Why don’t Americans want those jobs anymore?
  12. Who said you were butt hurt? Reading comprehension sucking today. Complacent with mediocrity? Who me?? I spend my day in the excellence I’ve surrounded myself with and ignoring the things I can’t control and don’t affect me. You should try it. You’ll die young at this rate if you don’t.
  13. He could care less? God your butt must hurt from pulling so many things out of it.
  14. You know how I’d react. Hey Barack!! Slumming it a bit?? Obama would never take a chance like that to tarnish his reputation.
  15. Good. We’d not want you to be lonely. All the more goodly stuff for us who are proud of and love America. We’ll leave you to whine in the corner with your friends. Putin lover. Ha. I missed that little nugget of comedy gold. ????
  16. Please show me a quote where he said Mexicans are rapists.
  17. Probably low to mid $3,000’s. Funny I’ve lived here for 3 years and know nothing of him.
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