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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Sorry but CHAZ is a shithole “country” too. They’d be better off in their home country.
  2. ***** You! You cancel all the community fireworks shows we’re having our own. We live on a ridge and can usually see about 10 shows. There were only two however the private displays were impressive this year. John Adams in a letter to his wife Abigail: The second day of July 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more.
  3. It sure seemed like you implied it. If they should be allowed in because they fear for their lives that would imply there is no safe havens in their home county. So would that would also imply that their home countries are overrun with violent criminals.
  4. Hey Kap! The internet never forgets. Dumbass.
  5. Sorry I missed it. Hope she had a good day!
  6. Sorry about your dad man. My mom turns 95 next month. I do not want her last days on the planet stuck in her house. I want her out riding her Harley like she was last summer. Ok ok taking her walker up the sidewalk but might as well have been a Harley. It was a beautiful sight to see the pic from 3,000 miles away. Luckily if things stay as they are my trip to visit for the festivities are still on.
  7. When I lived in Oakland they started around the first week in June
  8. “You’re gonna be in the Hall of Fame for *****in’ up World Series?” BEST COMEBACK EVER!! ???
  9. You’re boring. You don’t debate/argue/discuss. You post childish memes and mindless responses. Maybe someday you’ll grow up and be worth engaging but I won’t hold my breath.
  10. Good point. If Biden wins the country will go from zero to FAN*****INGTASTIC overnight.
  11. It’s not so much judgement as the total lack of debate and/or critical thinking skills.
  12. That’s how he rolls. “Oh yeah?!?! I got nuthin but this childish meme!!” Sad, pathetic and boring. Good ***** Lord dude.
  13. A plane just flew over our house with a banner saying: RUSSIA OWNS TRUMP! Jesus. Give it a rest for today will ya?
  14. More accurate and “honest” autopsy reporting”
  15. My cat debates better than you. You don’t even try. Is #okboomer next? ?
  16. That people should be allowed to come here due to safety concerns in their home country. So are you saying all Mexicans and Central Americans are rapists, murders and criminals? Please tell us that is not your implication.
  17. Hope is not a strategy. My strategy would be 1. Try to become affluent 2. Fix the problem 3. Emigrate through legal means. We won the uterine lottery. Be thankful.
  18. Yes I’ve given you my opinion on it. There are safer places for them to go than here in the US. So give me your opinion of the fact that I have blown your argument out of the water. I’ve not addressed your ship question because I did see it.
  19. I wasn’t paying attention to that. That was your area of expertise! Or maybe I’m not clear when I post..... BEST PANDEMIC EVER!!! ?
  20. And based on that link and his safety standard for entry every damn Brazilian should be welcomed with open arms.
  21. You seek entertainment your way I’ll seek it mine. ?
  22. A couple of things. First off I asked you to name them not post a link. But after a cursory scan of your link there are 7 states in Mexico that have lower rates than the three states in the US that have lots of Mexican immigrants (California/Texas/Arizona). So thanks for making our point. ??
  23. When we start discussing Trump’s class or lack there of your post will make sense. Until then we will discuss your lack of class for making light of someone who has a deadly virus. Let me as you a question. How would you feel if someone made fun of someone you loved or cared about getting a deadly virus. Think about that for a bit. Hopefully you’ll figure out that my outrage is not faux. Putz.
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