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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Who filed the restraining order? I hope you never sit on a jury.
  2. Yeah I was right. Incredibly intelligent retort there Mr Kemp. You win! ??
  3. Laugh all you want. Have a blast. We don’t care. So whenever you laugh you feel the urge to start a new thread? The sign of a low intelligence being in my opinion.
  4. Not an original thought (or thread topic) in your head. Why did you feel the need to start a new thread on this topic?
  5. Living proof that the left doesn't have a monopoly on gibberish. The have perfected it they just don't have a monopoly.
  6. Do you really think a different POTUS would have these things looking any different at this point?
  7. I don't think he ever wanted the job to begin with. And the TDS histrionics will go to 11 if he's re-elected. I would say it will be a blast but it will likely be very sad. I'll consider turning in my PPP card.
  8. I'm promoting the death of a young black girl?? Your butt sore again? If so quit pulling stuff out of it. So you make light of those you disagree with getting a deadly virus (not highlighting it) and being cool with it. Carry on..............
  9. Didn't say it wasn't. This is about you not B-Man. What level is your "illness" then? Are you willing to admit you're sick too or are you absolved of any poor behavior here?
  10. Better to be dramatic than someone who makes light of a person getting a deadly virus. Aren't you the least bit ashamed? Do you hate Trump that much that you cheer when someone supports him gets a deadly disease?
  11. So will they be doing two "Anthems" on opening day? One for the Blacks and one for the Whites? So we are now back to segregation? Good job NFL!
  12. Couple things. First I'm not a Bills fan so dance away. Second those non-Bills fans? Fugg em right?
  13. I go every day. Dumb to live in fear. #TrumpKillUs? Hang on let me check........nope still alive. Sorry. Maybe he'll kill me later. That would make you happy.
  14. All of them?? Wow that's a hell of an accusation. I'll ask you again. Do you understand the purpose of PPP and what are the parameters that make the loan forgivable?
  15. Do you understand the purpose of PPP? Do you know how it works? What the stipulations are to make the loan forgivable? If you do please explain why those groups should not have received the "forgivable" loan?
  16. When you can't defend your actions...................
  17. A pretzel? I'm just pointing out the fact that you're a scumball for making light of someone getting a deadly virus. If that makes me a pretzel so be it. Better a pretzel than a scumball. You're not going to win this argument so you might as well move on.
  18. That sucks dude. But I didn't use someone's death or illness in that way. YOU did. See the difference ya putz? You being sad for one person and not the other really shows how ***** up your thinking process is. Critical thinking doesn't exist in your world.
  19. So you’re admitting you were making light of someone coming down with a deadly virus? I hope no one makes fun of someone you love and care about coming down with it.
  20. Ummmm no. Your post and B-Man’s were two completely things. You were not just “highlighting” her coming down with the virus you were making light of it, almost laughing at it. You’re pathetic.
  21. I was going to call him out on it but it’s a waste of time. He’ll just embarrass himself with some dumb retort.
  22. Looks like someone doesn’t know what PPP is or what net worth is.
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