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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Nah. I ask questions that get your panties in a bind. Then you come back with some lame meme. Yadda yadda yadda.
  2. So you took my "they" to mean your family? No the "they" I was referring to were teachers in general. Testy testy lefty.
  3. No that is not what they have been doing the past four months. The kids have been stuck at home. Having the kids in a classroom with a Zoom teacher if necessary solves many problems. One: Childcare for working parents. Two: kids with no or poor access to internet. Bringing it up is not all that is involved. https://lmgtfy.com/?q=discussion https://lmgtfy.com/?q=debate
  4. Of course they would. But that or they are out of work and/or no education for the kids what do you think they'd choose?
  5. Teacher can stay home and Zoom in his/her curriculum. It's not rocket surgery. I'm in a VERY people oriented business. I have not sat in the same room with a client for nearly 4 months and have been busier than ever.
  6. No one is addressing the "Biden shouldn't debate Trump until he releases his tax returns" garbage? All I can say to that is "grow the ***** up!"
  7. We need to do the Brown National Anthem too. You know.... Jose can you see..............
  8. My grampa on my dad's side came from Italy. My dad's mom's parents came from Italy. My grampa on my mom's side family came over on the Fortune which was the second ship to arrive at Plymouth Rock after the Mayflower.
  9. Oh just STOP!! Because we don't call everyone out YOU think is a racist as a racists does NOT therefore make us racists.
  10. And pond scum is now racists? Damn your butt has GOT to be hurting from all the things you pull out of it on the daily basis. ?
  11. Some are extremely wise and some of the best and most compassionate people I know. Same with Biden, Clinton, Obama et al supporters. But you keep hating. Must suck to hate that much. No, not Google. I want YOUR interpretation of it. You accused him. You let us know how you’ve come to the conclusion he’s championing the Confederacy.
  12. Trump is championing the Confederacy? Care to explain that?
  13. ????????????????? Wait. Let me read that again. Is it a possibility? ????????????????? No
  14. Without considering who is profiting? Seriously girl. Buy some stock in a publicly traded company and reap the benefits of their profits. These systems that have done wonders to allow average people to live comfortably and many to become the “millionaires next door” for all this time now needs to be completely torn down and rebuilt? Why again exactly?
  15. This is what happens when you are overly reactionary. They jumped into this mess without thinking let alone thinking it through.
  16. And the liberal debate tactic #1 When beaten throw out a non-sequitur or point out a typo. Bravo.
  17. Oh yes. I’m terribly embarrassed from the peer pressure. ? Again I don’t bow to peer pressure. They don’t come much more contrarian than I. Excuse me?? Might be guilty? What would you tell my attorney about me? So you choose quilt or innocence based on a person’s personality. No *****. Please done ever sit on a jury.
  18. What are you insinuating with this comment? Of course not. Because I didn’t feel pressure from anyone here.
  19. Peer pressure. Yeah I couldn’t handle it. Ya cracked me.
  20. They are called vandals but those that destroyed blocks of Seattle and Portland were just having a block party.
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