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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. And one is targeting an individual hence the defamations accusation on my part which makes them VERY different. If you can’t see that I can’t help you.
  2. I did and I’ve addressed it. They are two different things and you even conceded my point.
  3. And what part is the debate didn’t I touch? Bring it. I’ll touch it and I’ll beat you that too.
  4. No seriously your argument is that the Confederate Flag and that Trump mask are no different because they are both symbols?? And that is after you conceded my defamation point? You lost. Admit it. Be a man. There is nothing wrong with losing.
  5. Seriously? I’m winning one right now. ?
  6. Funny how he touched on the left’s inability to debate. Exactly what I was saying about @BillStime earlier today.
  7. One just happens to be classic defamation. Who cares about the site. It was the mask you showed.
  8. Impossible! Every black citizen can trace their lineage back to slaves and we need to provide reparations for them all. It’s true. I read it on the internet.
  9. Nope. One is a symbol one is clearly meant to defame.
  10. A Confederate flag is a part of our history. People should have the freedom to display a part of our history. A mask on a Trump Amazon site fashioning his name into a swastika is classic defamation. Debate it.
  11. Oh this is an easy one. Defamation vs History Now debate me on it.
  12. You really don’t know the difference? God you are a ***** blind partisan tool
  13. Asians are the worst. She wouldn’t just get mad when I called her Korean. She was livid. And when we hired a Korean woman? Man oh man. The looks they’d give each other. ?
  14. I worked with a Japanese woman a number of years ago. We became great friends. I really knew how to push her buttons. "You Koreans are all alike." "I'm NOT KOREAN!! I'M JAPANESE!!!"
  15. Cool. I found a site that traced my Grandfather's family. And I went back and back and back to William Bassett. I was "dude?? You couldn't make the Mayflower? What, were you doing your taxes that day??" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Bassett_(d._1667) Seriously dude. We'd have to have black friends to begin with to ask them.
  16. I would assume he's ok with it. Freedom is freedom right?
  17. Wouldn't it make sense to maybe understand why he posted a video before you use that fact that he posted that video as "proof" he's pushing white supremacy? Maybe I'll try this simpler question. If he's a pushing a racists agenda because he's a racists why do you think he pulled down the video?
  18. So we went from Trump being a Putin Puppet to him starting WWIII to him laughing at Taliban for hire to now? Cheating on his SAT's. What's next? He bought beer underage?
  19. Why do you think he posted that video? What was the purpose?
  20. Glad you find me funny @BillStime Maybe someday you'll grow up and learn how to have an adult conversation with us. In the meantime have fun at the kids table.
  21. Oh I bring lots to the table. I bring a debate. I ask questions to dig deep into why people have stated the position they have made. If they have any integrity they will defend their position by answering the question. Those with no integrity come back with silly responses or dumb memes and refuse to answer my questions. Sorry if you don't know what a debate looks like.
  22. @BillStime Perfect example. You laugh. Come at me. Debate me. Try to answer my questions. You don't because you can't. You lose every time you run away or hide behind some dumbass childish meme.
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