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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Not even how you vote. For who you like? How you think? There is so much wrong with this story.
  2. You can go off the grid if you like. You’ll never be able to if we go cashless. And knowing where you’ve been and what you spend your money on are two different things.
  3. Lots of people tip in cash. Especially people who have worked in the hospitality business. You should have seen how they flipped when they had to claim a percentage of their gross sales. We in the kitchen were pissed because we were taxed on all our earnings. Deal with it. And where will the homeless guy get his booze or heroin money from?
  4. So who is paying for this and why?
  5. Isn't it a bit macabre to have a hearse parked right there?
  6. You might want to take a better swing at being clear with your statement.
  7. Tell us more please. And which line/schedule of his tax return will show this and if so why did his audit not show it?
  8. I had $53 in my money clip at the beginning of this covid crap. I'm down to 3 singles. I may have to reload in the next month or so.
  9. I have no idea. But we do know there is nothing sinister going on with his finances correct?
  10. ........wash his socks. **Thanks for the idea @keepthefaith
  11. Well so much for visiting my mother on her 95th birthday. ??? https://coronavirus.health.ny.gov/covid-19-travel-advisory
  12. I throw them away. I only keep the “silver” for parking meters. I went through a lot of time when I lived in the Bay Area. Here in the suburbs of South OC I don’t even know what a parking meter looks like. And my credit card is hacked at least twice a year. My money clip? Never. And all you guys bitching about the government knowing where every penny goes and not one of you concerned about the wives knowing. ?
  13. Now this is great. @BillStime gives this post an Awesome when @Crayola64 just described him to a T! ???
  14. Oh no no no. If there was anyone other than Trump they would have these numbers magically reduced. People don’t understand that one of the main reasons we have more cases (other than the likely reason that we test more) is that because of the freedoms we have. People are suspicious of government. They don’t like to be told what to do. A mandatory federal mask order would have done virtually nothing. Well it would have prompted people to call Trump a dictator for circumventing States Rights. ?
  15. My party?? See there is the difference. I don’t have a party. Regarding my quote? I was busting your nuts you fool. I’m endorsing no one. I’m debating you on your ridiculous claim those two symbols are the same and you lost. And here is the great thing. You are doing EXACTLY what Tucker said. When a liberal loses a debate they never admit it. You have completely changed the subject to accuse me of defending white supremacists and Unite the Right whoever they are.
  16. What am I in denial of? God you are all over the ***** place.
  17. I’m defending no one. This debate was very simple. The difference between two things. The Confederate Flag, a symbol from our past and Part of the history of our nation vs a mask defaming a public figure. I won that debate now you stomp your feet and accuse me of of defending “white supremacists”. Sigh.......
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