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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Your point is taken however until there is proof he is 100% behind their mission statement I’m giving him the benefit of the doubt. However I wouldn’t be surprised if a good number of those that pledge “allegiance“ to the Portland ANTIFA if confronted would cry like ***** babies let alone crush your skull for waving a flag. That is why if we ever go to blows with them it would be over very quickly.
  2. Easily. You don’t know who he is. You’ve never met him you don’t even know why he was there. You are painting with a broad brush. This is what we accuse the left of doing. You’re better than that.
  3. No you don’t. You think you do but in reality you have no clue.
  4. I understand what you’re alluding to but you know nothing about him.
  5. You make preventive care free and probably a good majority of Americans will still eat too much of the wrong things, drink too much, get little or no exercise and never get any kind of medical maintenance done. Most of that takes little or no money, saves money (no booze saves tons!) but people will just do what they do. I went to Catalina Island yesterday. I was astonished at the number of morbidly obese people there. There were people on bikes everywhere and probably 90% of them were on bikes with electric motors.
  6. “Black owned”? I wonder if he turned the gun on himself?
  7. Wasn’t the ACA supposed to take care of this problem? What happened??
  8. 200,000,000? 300,000,000? 500,000,000? Wait......
  9. Well that and how good your memory is. I type fast and can’t remember what I had for dinner last night.
  10. I really didn’t know what it meant and made that up on the fly. Pretty close. And wouldn’t be quicker to just type the words than remember the acronym? ?
  11. Increase healthcare? What the ***** does that even mean?
  12. So grocery store workers have all busted their ass to help us stay well stocked for four months now. They have taken all sorts of precautions to protect them. But teachers? One of the most important professions in the history of the planet? “We’re afraid!!!” ? Grocery store workers never stopped. What’s the deal with teachers? They are some of the the most important workers out there in my mind.
  13. What has happened to him? Likely TDS. That is a horrible disease.
  14. Always pays to have friends in high places.
  15. That’s the most interesting thing about all of this. Trump arrives in DC mega wealthy and people have an issue. Other politicians leave mega wealthy and no one bats an eye.
  16. Yes just a little bit later. Like a year and a half. ?
  17. So had he made masks mandatory they likely wouldn’t have changed a thing. So by not making them mandatory he did the right thing by letting Americans choose?
  18. Yes he went back on his word. He’s an idiot for doing so. Have you never gone back on your word? I have. Regarding the part in bold. Please, go on..... Give is some ideas of what could possible be found in an audited return that could bring about charges. This should be very interesting.
  19. Other countries don’t have the same governmental system we do. I value that very much! Everyone saying he should at least have implemented a mandatory mask requirement. I see you conveniently did not address my comment about CA and our spike even with a mandatory mask requirement for weeks. Why is that?
  20. Trump’s a schmuck. But what is really funny is saying there is no law stating he has to wait until an audit is finished to release them. Do you realize how absolutely dumb that remark is? So everyone knows he’s hiding something? I know it’s hard to know what he’s hiding but what would be your best guess?
  21. So there is an attack on the US buried in his tax return? Huh. Are the winning lottery numbers buried in there too?
  22. Really? That’s what you take from that? That a criticism of you all is a pat on the back of Trump. TDS is strong with this one. I think he’s done an ok job. He has left a lot of the decision making up to the states which is the way it should be. Should he have made masks mandatory? Probably but because as Americans we are very tired of the government telling us what to do so there would still be lots of us going without. Many states require that now. It’s been a requirement in CA for quite some time. Please tell me where CA stands with regard to the infection rate? What does that tell you about mandatory face coverings?
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