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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Go pigs go! Go pigs go! Damn. Almost as good as Let’s Go Buffalo!
  2. Ding ding ding. I knew the unions would chime in. ***** the unions. Which come in the morning and which in the afternoon and evening? I don’t know. By height. Come on man. Figure it out. How do working parents adjust? They’ll figure it out. They’ve adjusted to it the past four months of having the kids home every day. We’ve offered FMLA for our working parents to help out. Bus routes? Easy one! Hired more drivers. The Trump economy has 15 billion people looking for work. Where are we coming up with the money? Ask the Feds. They seem to be good at printing it up. How much PPP has these districts applied for? I’m sure they are eligible. To the teachers here. How many meetings have you all had over the last four months discussing these things. Again I’m not hearing a lot of ideas. Just excuses. Where did I deflect?
  3. Who said what they did was part time? Reading comprehension problems? My perspective is from management 101.
  4. Well after a cursory search online it looks like 40-50 hours a week or when I worked in the kitchen what we called “part-time” ?. And what does what I do for a living have to do with this conversation? And it boggles my mind is they’ve had since mid-end of March to come up with solutions or at least ideas.
  5. As a suggestion sure. At least more hours/shifts than now. If that’s what needs to be done to get the kids back to the most important part of their lives. I’ve heard no one else come up with solutions/ideas. I work 10 hours a day no breaks and stand at my desk for 9 of those. If I needed to do 6 12’s for the good of the community you damn better believe I’m doing it. They should be well rested. ?
  6. Well smaller class size is easier said than done long term. Short term stagger the classes and work longer hours more days.
  7. Geez so much to address so little time. If little Billy can’t wear a mask little Billy stays home. Sorry little Billy’s mom and dad. You’re on your own. Masks....$28 for a box of 50 on Amazon. Dig deep and buy some for the kids. I imagine there is some creative students/parents/teachers. Make a ***** ton of them!! YouTube is your friend. My office is very conducive to working safely. We have put measures in place. I have 15 in a large office. Again we are lucky. But no walls between work stations but plenty of space. And with no clients coming in for now we have empty meeting rooms. Our HR has busted their ass to her us back. You don’t need partition for every desk. Just one for the teacher. Your colleagues seem to be the ones concerned about their health not the kids. I live in Orange County California. No lines to here to get in the store. 30 kids per classroom. Stagger then class. 10 per shift. Work 12 hours 6 days a week. Go to the local universities. They have to have lots of students who want to teach. Bring them in to help for credits. For Christ’s sake what have you guys been doing the past four months? This should have been all figured out. Yes I’m not a teacher so it’s easier for me to come up with ideas for the classroom but at least I’m coming up with ideas. All you’re coming up with are excuses.
  8. Make it mandatory that all students wear masks. Provide them for those that don’t have them. We have boxes of disposable masks all over my office. We have hand sanitizer, disinfectant spray and paper towels all over. Again dude it’s not hard. And my user name has nothing to do with what I do for a living. And grocery stores here have not limited the number of customers. Only that we social distance while there. All they have provided are plexiglass/plastic partitions for them. Last I checked they’re all still alive. ? Your colleagues are freaking out and there is no need to. Get your asses in there and get it done. You have six weeks. Use some ***** ingenuity. Other industries have figured it out. You’re the educated ones. Do it!!
  9. Strange how many people flee NY for FL and rarely the other way around. ?
  10. <Chef Jim runs and grabs a quarter> ? Well those quarter dollar Nazi bastards!! ???
  11. You, and the deranged like you, see only what you want to see. You see racism where it is not. Homophobia where there is none. And Nazi symbols in an eagle. It’s hilarious and sad all at the same time. I suppose ?? Is a white supremacy sign to you. Wait!! I’m truly surprised that hand signal is still there on my phone. ?
  12. Hospital were way below capacity during much of this. During flu season they are often swamped.
  13. Demand they put up the precautions. Either that or you don’t give a ***** about the kids. I’m probably at least 20 years older than you and I’d put the kids first. I’d wear a mask, use hand sanitizer constantly and demand others so the same. Kind of like I’ve been doing since I went back to work full time nearly two months ago. Teachers sound like a pretty selfish lot. BTW what are all these precautions they took to keep grocery workers safe that you mentioned?
  14. Full Chef Jim quote: I love Donald Trump when’s he’s not tweeting dumb ***** which is never. @BillStime post: Chef Jim said: “I love Donald Trump!!” You are such a tool. ?. You know he’s a racist? I bet some of us would love to see how you’ve come to that conclusion.
  15. Change the title all you want. We likely still won’t care to talk to you. But seriously which is a bigger problem in this country? Terrorism or mental illness?
  16. I wonder how much you liked him in 2008 and 2012 . ?
  17. I have a friend who works in ER. She dreads every flu season. If we’re not required to wear masks and social distance ever flu season this whole COVID thing has been a media fueled kabuki dance.
  18. And if we develop a vaccine for Covid the number of deaths here in the US may in fact pale in comparison to AIDS. I was just wondering aloud how many screaming for masks today couldn’t be bothered to put on a condom in the 80’s. I have no idea what you’re getting at with your last sentence other than you’re young.
  19. I’m 59 and probably in the best shape of my life. It’s easy. I get bloodwork done twice a year because I’m on cholesterol meds and have been for 30 years. The doc always comes in and looks at my chart and says “I got nuthin’. Keep up the good work.” Other than the insurance I pay $90 a month my medical costs are $20 co-pays twice a year. Also why I don’t fear the ‘vid at all.
  20. WTF does when it happened have anything to do with it? And nothing like this? Maybe but tell that to the gay community. I worked in restaurants in West Hollywood 35 years ago. They were crossing friends off their address books every day. It was a horrible way to go. Just pointing our the hypocrisy. And how many have died of AIDS in the US?
  21. I wonder how many of those screaming for those to wear masks had unprotected sex during the height of the AIDS epidemic. ?
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