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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Please point out where I said 17 hours a day. I didn’t and sorry asking you to work longer than usual hours isn’t fair. How many hours have you worked since March! How many hours do you work during the months is June and July? Life isn’t fair sometimes. During times like this many of us are asked to go way above and beyond. The answer to your question is yes! Maybe 6x12’s is not the answer but I feel the answer is there. Tents in the athletic fields/parking lots. Reach out to FEMA for trailers. Reach out to local RV stores to borrow RV’s. Have the community build makeshift structures. I’ve thrown out lots of ideas and every one of them has been met with a “we can’t do that!!” I don’t read all your rants but I haven’t seen you say how much time you and your other teachers/administrators/community leaders have spent working on solutions. How much time have you spent on it. Sounds like I have more than you.
  2. They have figured out how to get back to work. Please post a link showing that the explosion of cases have originated from places of employment.
  3. Why use this comment of mine to give this reply. Do you not agree with my assessment of why she died?
  4. Ok here we go. Make pastrami. A shortcut it to take a raw corned beef and rub it with cracked coriander seeds and black peppercorns. Or you can brine the beef brisket over night yourself. I did that last time and it was awesome. Smoke it at 220 for about 4 hours and then cover with aluminum for another 2. You don't "make" burnt ends. They just happen. On the smoker. And magical burnt ends...
  5. And children are the least affected by this pandemic and the most resilient humans. Let them go dad.
  6. Financial Planning. And you're right. It is very relevant now that I think about it. I do life planning for my clients. Also it's an industry that is going through major major changes which, not to make light of a pandemic, is almost harder to figure out. I am loving being involved and on the front lines of what these changes are. I'm a problem solver. Why I drive you all ***** crazy with the questions I ask. That's how you solve problems. Maybe I need to ask the teachers here more questions. I'll solve all their problems.
  7. No they are making excuses as to why schools shouldn't open up. It's their industry. They work in it every day. Figure it out. There are plenty of guidelines out there to follow. We followed federal/state/county/city guidelines and we have offices in four states. It's not perfect and it never will be perfect. Neither will the schools. And I was editing my post when you replied. If you thought a bit you'd be able to answer almost all the questions you posed. I manage people. In what industry is irrelevant.
  8. No it's easy to say when lots have already figured it out. The fact I have not kids has nothing to do with it. You whine about the poor teachers. When restaurants opened back up do you have any clue as to how many people come through a restaurant door. The staff was dying to get back to work and they came back. Grocery store workers NEVER stopped working. The workers at the gym bust their backs keeping it clean and monitoring to make sure we all have masks on the whole time. I already told you what I do. I'm a manager. I'm a problem solver who despises the excuse makers of the world. It's hard. I get it. But I thrive on that *****. We all had 100's of questions. We worked tirelessly to come up with answers. The game changes almost every wee so we have to adapt. Some of the teachers here and the other whiners on the board aren't even trying to work it out. If you took the time you'd have an answer for almost every question you posed above.
  9. Quit your whining. Every other industry in the country has figured these things out. Our HR has spent hundreds of hours on this. I was getting emails from my HR director at 9pm and I know she was in when I get in at 7am. Schools have their unique challenges but it's times like these that the cream rises and these things get worked on and figured out. You on the other hand likely will hide under your desk and whimper like a baby.
  10. I don't worry at all about this. I will not let it control my life. I don't have kids but my wife is 66 and she really doesn't worry about it either. My mom is 95 and Covid fears her. LOL
  11. If you were dollar cost averaging in this whole time (which most people were in their 401k's) you're likely higher than you were pre-Covid.
  12. "You people"? Interesting choice of words. Every household has someone to stay home to take care of the kids during the day too right? Virtual learning is REAL difficult.
  13. Is this how bigotry is determined these days? And we're all essentially bigots here.
  14. Good points. So we'll just keep the schools closed forever, keep our children in bubbles and all will be right in the world.
  15. It's funny I was just talking with a friend who is working at Walmart waiting until things in their industry to get better and back to it. They were saying how hot it is there right now. They are in Atlanta. I said that's nothing. I worked in restaurants where the kitchens were dungeons at best and we were treated like absolute *****. I was telling them just now about Anthony Bordain's book Kitchen Confidential. From the wiki page: Released in 2000, the book is both Bourdain's professional memoir and a behind-the-scenes look at restaurant kitchens. The book is known for its treatment of the professional culinary industry, which he describes as an intense, unpleasant, and sometimes hazardous workplace staffed by who he describes as misfits. Bourdain believes that the workplace is not for hobbyists and that anyone entering the industry without a masochistic, irrational dedication to cooking will be deterred.[4] So yeah comparatively speaking teachers have it easy from what I went through for 25 years. So it's going to be: Open....close....open....close.....open.....close.
  16. Yes like no one throws crap against a fan here. I threw a lot of crap on this subject. So it sounds like you're a teacher? It also sounds like you and your team have put a lot of thought into this. What is @transplantbillsfan problem with all this then? And my crazy 72 hour work schedule? Again I was throwing things out there. Sorry I infringed upon their "cushy" work schedule. Yup welcome to the new real world. We have all been working on the fluidity of the situation since mid March.
  17. The dysfunction of the government run school system here is indicative of how the government ***** up much of what it touches. There has been 4 months to figure this out and yes it’s not easy at all but most of what I’ve seen here are excuses and hand wringing and few ideas on how to get the system operational. As the liberals like to throw out there.... THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!
  18. I never said it would be easy. It is complex. Doesn’t mean things can’t be tried. You have an excuse and “we can’t do that” for everything. Have you thought of a solution for ANYTHING? So ***** it. ***** the kids. Sit on your ass until we have a vaccine which could be a long time. At least I’m thinking about solutions. The old saying old goes whether you think you can or can’t you’re right. I’ve not read all your rebuttals so you may have addressed this. But how many hours over the past four months have you spent working on solutions! I was thinking about tents on the fields. Get the communities involved. We can have churches go build schools in poor countries but hwe can’t do anything here?? Oh and this quote? What the hell are you talking about? OC has had a total of 423 dear has since this started. 362 deaths in a 4 day span that ended July 11th. Yeah, you're definitely living in the region the rest of the Country should be looking towards
  19. Yes you did. Never said abolish the Unions. And go to the fed for help in any way possible including PPP but looks like only private and charter schools can apply for PPP.
  20. A sad story but there is so much wrong with this. She should never have left her house to begin with. She was a classic very high risk individual.
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