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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. And maybe I’m not paying close enough attention but what are their plans to fix this disparity in privilege?
  2. It's the old, obese, diabetic teachers everyone is worried about. Hell with the kids.
  3. Which make them extremely easy to reply to. Besides @transplantbillsfan you had nothing to offer other than whining and no discussions. You wanted to hear nothing of any of my ideas and dismissed every one of them so no need to continue. You'll all figure it out sometime. Hopefully before little Billy hits 21. And it's funny you said I lost the argument. I wasn't arguing. You were.
  4. So because I work more than 7 hours a week and don't have time to read your whining diatribes I've either lost or am trolling. Nah I'm busy working this summer and the past four months.
  5. I'm waiting for him to say "water is very good and you should drink it every day!"
  6. There you go Gary. I fixed your email to them. What a ***** weenie you are Gary.
  7. How has the index performed over the past 3.5 years minus FAANG?
  8. I know you never answer me but what do you think is the best way to reduce drug use in a community?
  9. They why did you feel it necessary to quote a post of their mug shots and then proceed to ask if racism still exists? What does the story have to do with your question?
  10. Yes racism exits. Always has, always will. What does the linked video have to do with it?
  11. So by this logic the black communities are getting more help by the police trying to get the drugs off the street while Billy Bob Redneck is allowed to get and ingest his opioids until he dies? Where you see "punish" the reasonable person sees "help".
  12. Well it's not the fact that he worked 7 hours it's the fact that he did so voluntarily and didn't get paid. How noble of him! I've never taken it upon myself to work outside of my daily work hours to plan and prepare for my clients. And yes we both have clients. His are children mine act like them.
  13. This may be exactly how she wants to live out her remaining time. Unless she’s being “forced” to hang on until the election. I surely hope that’s not what is going on here.
  14. Oh I see. So we are excluded from the conversation? Our ideas are to be ignored? So what if your school’s superintendent or board member didn’t have children? Would you pull your kids from the school?
  15. Holy run on sentence Batman! I hope you don’t teach English. I don’t. Point? Think of the children!! Wait....what??
  16. No way she’d fly at that age. I’ll go back and visit when this mess is over.
  17. It sucks. Not sure how many birthdays my mom has left.
  18. I’m real proud of you. You go man. You worked multiple times this summer. Hope you’ve not over exerted yourself. ? School opens in a few weeks you damn well better be there getting this figured out. So I’m an idiot? Pardon me for coming up with ideas. What a whiner you are. I guess it’s from hanging around with children.
  19. So I have to cancel my visit to NY to see my family and celebrate my mom's 95th birthday. I am required to quarantine for 14 days. I called the NY Dept of Health and they said I need to stay for 14 days. I said my trip is only 5 days. So they will hold me hostage for two weeks which makes no sense. You figure they'd want my ass out of NY and back in CA ASAP. Sorry mom but I'm going to spend my money elsewhere. What did he know in November?
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