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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Well then based on their stupid premises and there is no room for discussion they must die. ?
  2. Based on your last post and your first sentence above I would say the answer to your second sentence above would be “the same thing @BillStime does for a living”.
  3. That is an incomplete answer. I’m a big why person. See my post above.
  4. You truly don’t think he cares? Hate like this is really bad for you.
  5. I get that. But my question is what is their goal and what is their issue with individual thought? And the bigger question is how do we fight it?
  6. How can they even think that censoring people that they disagree with has any place in a free society? What’s the purpose of this.
  7. From The Hippy-Dippy Weatherman to ***** Everything!
  8. Given how virulently racist he is today? Based on that I wouldn’t believe one ***** word she wrote anywhere. Her shopping list is probably bs.
  9. Even without kids. When I realized what a cluster***** I’d leave for my family if the wife and I go we got it done. Just had it updated. I’m leaving everything to Tibs.
  10. Do you know why they didn’t enforced masks early on?
  11. Wait so the cost is a drop in the bucket compared to the cost of probate. Sounds like a $5k well spent. ?
  12. How your body was born? No you ***** that up on your own. You weren’t born that way. But whatever blows your skirt up. Let your freak flag fly.
  13. You may want to wash it off first. I'm pretty sure I know where he's pulling it from.
  14. He thinks this is all a hoax? Where do you get that from his post? And good job turning he post into your opportunity to "Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump, Trump". Welcome! We need more TDSers here.
  15. I also tell the same attorney just show them the rate of return on the cost of the trust. $2,000 trust today could save $100's of thousands in probate down the road. I usually highly recommend against them but there are paid legal firms that do them relatively cheaply. It's up to you to fund these trusts however which is key. If you don't fund your trust you spent a lot of money for a nice binder of paper.
  16. Correct but it will (no pun intended) be a mess with probate. I work with an estate attorney so tells people who don't want to do a trust that he'll gladly probate their estate. He will make a *****-ton (legal term) more money. People are very uneducated on these things.
  17. So let me get this straight? So the fear of death is having people do planning? I have a newsflash for them. We're all gonna die and we don't know when. I would have asked him to define "a ton". Not to pick a nit but a will does very little to protect your assets after death. It's better than intestate but it will still be a mess.
  18. Ethics? Not so sure but setting the left’s hair on fire? This family has this in spades. It’s fun as hell to watch.
  19. Yeah it takes a lot of time to respond to your whining. So I had some good ideas. Instead of saying “hey that’s a good idea, it will be costly but we’ll figure it out” you dismissed it outright with “how are we going to pay for it??” Again figure it out. Any good idea is worth finding the money to pay for it. Hell how my trillions has the Fed handed out?
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