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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. To be fair those saying children need that social interaction are also many times the ones in favor of home schooling.
  2. Only tools politicize a horrible humanitarian crisis. Don’t be a tool.
  3. Passionate? Like a child is passionate for cake and ice cream on his birthday. His repetitive memes are childish and boringly pathetic. It’s sad that he feels he’s actually contributing something with those.
  4. This is why I use disposable ones. I change mine daily. I often wonder how long people wear theirs. ?
  5. @transplantbillsfan if you’re confused at my cat remark it was using the plural when mentioning your wife’s live(s)
  6. He’s a child. The extremes of both parties are ***** embarrassing. If you say the extreme right is representative of the “party” as a whole you’re a tool. Just as anyone saying what’s been happening in Seattle and Portland is indicative of the left as a whole is also a tool. Stop being a tool.
  7. Well you want medical directives and financial POA. We’ll make sure they pull your plug. ?
  8. Oh it’s just a slight inconvenience. Let them have their fun.
  9. Now how did I know this was going to be your response?
  10. I wonder what people will say if she retires the day after if Biden is elected.
  11. And there it is. We should give DC and PR statehood for political purposes. ***** doing it so those living there have proper representation.
  12. We know what they are doing once they shave their heads. https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/07/02/us/china-hair-uyghur-cpb-trnd/index.html
  13. Even if you do have a will you (or more accurately your heirs) will most likely still go through probate.
  14. If you don’t know then you likely don’t and if you don’t you’re not very smart. What did you marry? A cat?
  15. Solving nothing? Then what’s the point? Dance puppet dance.
  16. Not anytime but this time? Hell yeah!!
  17. Of course it will work. We’ll all be too stoned and paranoid to leave our houses. ?
  18. Is this really solving anything? And do you think the rule will go away when the ‘VID goes away?
  19. Of course I am but if, according to you, they have no room for discussion then we just ignore them and hope they go away? How do we cancel them to prevent their ideals from spreading to the majority. They have the greatest marketing engines on their side. Hollywood and the main stream media.
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