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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I know this may be crass but I also think those that are highest risk and not properly protected are dead already. Funny how neither of you suggested it due to the higher test rates. How are the passive measures keeping the death rates down but not the positive diagnosis? Shouldn't those passive measures reduce the positive results not increase them?? If the virus is going to kill you wearing a mask before or during the illness is not going to reduce the probability of you dying.
  2. No he's my hero because he called THAT woman a ***** B word.
  3. I guess you don't understand what people often mean when they wish someone "well". When I wish someone well I'm sarcastically saying "eat ***** and die!"
  4. Some nobody who called AOC a ***** B word (yeah I googled him). Oh and my new hero!
  5. Hmmmmm a the number of cases of a highly infectious disease are increasing? Say it ain't so. Why are the deaths not increasing at the same rate?
  6. I am very intrigued to see how he handles a situation what a child asks what he considers a "dumb" question. I am also very intrigued to see what he considers a "dumb" question asked by a child.
  7. I do a great job building relationships. It’s what I do for a living. I never said you called them dumb. Why I asked how you tell them their question is dumb. So I’ll ask again. How do you let them know that their question is dumb.
  8. What freedoms are being taken away in Portland?
  9. Funny very few on the left seem to have an issue with the behaviors of the people these “stormtroopers” have been brought in to clear off the streets. Had the officials of Portland had any kind of control over their city we never have gotten to this point.
  10. Not the first dick I hauled around with me in Vegas.
  11. How do you tell your students they’ve asked a dumb question? And I have a HUGE problem with a teacher telling impressionable children they are dumb. I manage a team of adults some of whom I’ve worked with for 20 years and have a very close friendship outside of work with. I would NEVER even insinuate any question they asked was dumb.
  12. You calling someone a child is the most hilarious thing I’ve heard in a long time.
  13. Idiot? My my. Testy this evening aren’t we. Do you blow your top like that when your students get in your nerves? And why would I look at what “he” said. I’m talking about what YOU said.
  14. Trump’s a Buffon who has it backwards. Over promises and under delivers. Ok your turn.
  15. Sales up by 21% not the prices.
  16. If you think any of this has anything to do with the unnecessary death of black people you are one dumb gullible fool.
  17. In response to graffiti? Yeah that’s all that’s happening Nance. A few kids spray painting on some buildings. ?
  18. Seriously dude? We'd brush it off. Just like we brush aside cancer survivors now. Get a grip. If you really sat and thought about it you'd figure out why be bring up the death statistics. Wait....what am I thinking. Of course you won't.
  19. I always like taking pics of the pros taking pics.
  20. No doubt! You sure have us figured out there Tibsie.
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