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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I can't say this enough. Most people did not understand what the term "Black Lives Matter" even meant. For those saying "all lives matter" in response don't know what BLM means. And it's not our fault it was marketed horribly. They don't mean Black Lives Matter more than anyone else's. What they have meant from the beginning is "stop treating us as if our lives don't matter!". But the movement (again that was marketed horribly) has been hijacked by opportunist Marxist and Anarchists who could give two ***** about black lives. All they give a ***** about is control and chaos. It's a ***** shame. No!! What is going on in Portland and other cities has nothing to do with skin color. It has everything to do with uniform color and the destruction of the state. I don't know why. I don't know what they expect to rise out of the ashes other than an ugly ***** storm.
  2. Now let's take these few words you've used and expand on it. How would you define how the efforts of BLM are winning. What have they won?
  3. “No cops! No prisons! Total abolition!” Ok then what? This it the worst ill thought out policies ever.
  4. You didn’t read past the (poorly written as usual) headline did you?
  5. As I said he’s only useful in that plan if he wins. Dumb plan. Maybe they want Trump to win and think he’ll destroy the party with another four years.
  6. And they think an obvious puppet can actually win? He has to win for this plan to work. @BillStime with “you mean like Trump is Putin’s puppet!!” in 3....2....1......
  7. Useful? In what way? It’s a pathetic shame that he’s what they’ve ended up with.
  8. “He’s not Trump” is not a stretch. That’s all they got. And it may just work.
  10. Doesn’t this belong in the history of Europe thread? What is the relevant point of this?
  11. I don't care why the kid needed clarification. So what if he was sleeping/daydreaming/jerking off. You do not call someone stupid (and yes in their mind telling them that they just asked a stupid question could very well be interpreted as being called stupid {that's how empathy works}] in front of their peers. Horrible. You praise in public reprimand (or in your case call them stupid) in private. And someone who tells impressionable children they are stupid telling someone else they have no business teaching kids is beyond laughable. Also teachers should have a very open mind. Yours is closed so tight your head squeaks when you think. That is if you think at all. Stay quarantined. It's the best place for you.
  12. I didn't even have to hear his response do know it was likely very sarcastic or taken way out of context.
  13. I have a great clue about your teaching style! You just told us. You demean them. You never ever tell anyone they are stupid or ask stupid questions. I did engage in a civil discussion. I answered your question in a very civil manner. You just didn’t like my answer. Coddle? No I’m empathetic. Based on how you handle a child asking for clarification tells me an awful lot about you and your teaching skills. Anyone who thinks calling a child stupid is a good way to work with children is in the wrong profession. I pity the students that have a teacher who thinks any question they ask is dumb. You’re right. Stay quarantined.
  14. BLM will not win because the idea has been co-opted by Marxist and ANTIFA. This stopped being anything about black lives being treated as if they mattered weeks ago. This isn’t about race anymore. It’s all about anarchy.
  15. Explain this tax scam. Oh and he asked about conservatives not the GOP.
  16. Let’s get the personal attacks out of the way first. ? You would fail miserably outside of academia. Horrible for you to say “stupid question” to a kid in front of his peers. To tell his neighbors to tell him he’s stupid? “Simply” roll your eyes? Terrible teaching/management skills. Now to your question. Yes it absolutely warrants an answer! It’s obviously not clear to the student. Look inward man. What’s 100% clear to you may not be clear to him. Restate the task. Not repeat but restate in a different way. Re-explain the task. And then ask him/her “does that make better sense?” To be a great teacher (you) or manager (me) you have to have high levels of empathy and patience. You appear to have low levels of both.
  17. Trumpers do not believe in the rule of law?? I take it.... 1. You’ve never lived in a Uber liberal area like San Francisco and 2. You’re not paying attention to what’s currently going on in Portland.
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