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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Who supports EVERYTHING Trump does? Those that think anyone here does suffers TDS. You got it bad, real bad my friend.
  2. Yeah I’m a dummy. I looked it up and couldn’t any news article stating that it was the largest single day. I saw one graph on that link. You’d think she MSM would be all over that great news!!
  3. So why did you quote her as your eye witness? Wouldn’t you be better served using someone with....you know....CREDIBILITY?? Context has no place in today’s instant sound byte Information Age.
  4. Hey hey hey. This is Jen you’re referring to!! JEN!!!
  5. Waiting in the link that shows this was the mosr deaths in a single day in the US. Maybe check with Jen. She probably knows.
  6. Oh got it. You’re right. I’m wrong. it was like..yah know...totally like 60 cops. Thanks Jen
  7. In regard to a video on social media that took place at 2 Ave & 25 St, a woman taken into custody in an unmarked van was wanted for damaging police cameras during 5 separate criminal incidents in & around City Hall Park. The arresting officers were assaulted with rocks & bottles. You’re on the side of criminals. I’m in the side of NYPD. Good job NYPD!
  8. The US reported the most single day deaths since May? Link?
  9. My father in-law was an actor in Berlin in the 30’s. He was also Jewish. He was ordered to perform in the Nazi propaganda films and he refused. He had a death warrant out on him. He fled Germany to save his life and wrote a book about his journey. So ***** all you who call people you disagree with Nazis. ???
  10. Please explain: 1. What does this mean? What is a Trumpite? 2. How have you come to this conclusion?
  11. BEST PANDEMIC EVER!! ??? Tee many martoonies.....
  12. State’s Rights need to be respected but the safety of the citizens of the country need to be protected and if the states don’t provide that protection the Feds need to step in. You know protecting us from enemies foreign and domestic.
  13. Now you’re getting it. So why do all of you think we worship him?
  14. So all of us that are Trumpets or whatever you call us whose lens did we interpret everything through before Trump? Who did we take our marching orders from before Trump? Most of us conservatives have been conservative for decades and Trump has been POTUS for less than 4 years. Do you tools think at all?
  15. How did Putin work his ass off? What exactly did he do?
  16. Define what this honest relationship looks like that allows telling an impressionable child they are dumb without it hurting? I sure hope you’re getting better and for the sake of the children in you district better to the point where you realize telling children they are dumb is a horrible way to teach.
  17. I figured it all out. China “created” coronavirus to drive people to TikTok.
  18. WORST PANDEMIC EVER!!! ? This is why I get so pissed at politicians when they say “x number of children go to bed hungry every night in America!” ***** you! This country doesn’t know hunger.
  19. Again it's not the name. It's how it was marketed. It needs a sub tag line BLACK LIVES MATTER! Now treat us that way!
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