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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Why did you change your username...again? What’s the point of that? When my mom wanted to get rid of me she’d tell me to go play in traffic. That’s our problem these days. Poor parenting.
  2. Yes it is. If your outlandish assumption that Trump may not leave actually comes to fruition what do you think would happen?
  3. And this is after you posted a tweet saying Texas reported a backlog. How many other states have reported a backlog? Numbers done lie of course. The reporting of them can be misleading. And yes what time frame tells the story? 7 day moving average? 14 day moving average? 30 day moving average. It’s like the stock market. The longer the data points the more accurate the report.
  4. It’s very logical. When were those deaths? Over what time periods? What’s the 7 day moving average?
  5. Deaths are not necessarily up. Reported deaths are up. You/we have not one clue when those people died.
  6. It's been a relatively cool summer this year. So east coast global warming west coast global cooling? Is there anything COVID can't do?
  7. Their citizens. So a leaders doing what their constituents want is submissive? Dude, that's some twisted logic. So wait....this November timeline you've been throwing out for months is the first death. The FIRST ***** DEATH?? Well that bastard Trump. How DARE HE not have the foresight to do something in November?!?!?!?
  8. You conveniently missed a big one. And funny how you blame the governors but you post a pic of Trump. Trump Trump Trump Trump. Tool There are study after study suggesting that the damage done to people's financial and mental health by not reopening will greatly outweigh the damage done by the virus.
  9. No I'm looking for the sortable version of this spreadsheet to sort all the data not just the new cases. Why do you think the "hot spots" are in places like Florida and Texas? Politics? Seriously??
  10. And I'd like a sortable version of that spreadsheet. He's only looking at one data point: New Cases. Garbage In/Garbage Out. And I'm a "why" person. Why is it they are hot spots? You see one thing and one things only. Politics.
  11. Kind of like tell the commis to bruniose the mirepoix for the consomme
  12. So no wings at the bar flattened the curve? Damn. How does that work actually?
  13. Yeah that whole freedom ***** sucks. It comes with the good and the bad. You want to give some of your freedoms up I don't. If that's mediocrity in your mind I can't help you. And the quicker we let it "virus" the quicker we find our way out. Gee....whatever happened to "going viral" being a good thing?
  14. I didn't think about The Court issue. Well based on that it's a pathetic shame that of all the leaders/politicians they have to choose from they ended up with someone with so many flaws.
  15. What if he had forced the closure of all restaurants, gyms, hair and nail salons, bars, malls, churches, gatherings of more than 10 people, etc, etc, etc. You would have lost your *****. Admit it. So you admit you would have lost your ***** has he suggested any of the things I mentioned above? Thanks.
  16. You place too little emphasis on Americans will do what we want. We've always done what we want. It's the nature of our country. Freedom. It's not an excuse. It's reality. And here's the real funny part. Like any of you TDSers would have done ANYTHING Trump told you to. You would have gone nutso if he had told us to do any of the things you're suggesting he should have done. Accusations of "Hitler" "Dictator" "Fascist" would have been loud. Admit it.
  17. The fact that Americans have a history of doing what the want due to you know that important thing call freedom of choice is Trump voters' fault? ***** yeah!!! Thanks for the support!
  18. My theory is they all know. They don’t want to win. They feel that giving Trump four more years will ruin the GOP. I cannot come up with any other reason why he’s the nominee.
  19. Thank you. Thank you so much for this deeply insightful post.
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