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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. How did she hook you? I’m looking to hire a good phone person. LOL EDIT: Wait.....this can be really misinterpreted. ?
  2. He has run nothing above a lemonade stand. He won’t understand.
  3. So tell me oh wise one. How should the Party of Trump handled the virus that would have not had this effect on the the GDP?
  4. I don’t want people like that ignored. I want the brightest light ever shined on them.
  5. But he was going to say...ummm...errrr.....uhhhh....... I AM THE KING Or something..................
  6. And leaving it up to the state, local governments and the employers to keep their workplaces safe. Keeping in line with our wishes for a smaller federal government.
  7. I save this for a select few. ***** you! I wonder if you’d have the audacity to say that to these folks.
  8. https://lmgtfy.com/?q=How+do+I+emigrate+from+the+United+States
  9. Allowing people to sue their "deep pockets" employers when they contract COVID when it's nearly impossible to determine where the virus was contracted would open up the floodgates of litigation. This will actually save the plaintiffs lots of time and money because they will likely never win seeing you cannot prove where the virus was contracted.
  10. Dude nothing scarier than a bunch of 17-18 year olds stoned out of their minds on backhoes, bulldozers and chopping trees down with chainsaws. Hell we even had one guy show up to class with a mason jar of moonshine that got passed around. I have a boatload of stories about that leaning experience. Cool. Glad you got to discuss his feelings of the virus before he died.
  11. I went to BOCES in Batavia during my senior year in 1979. I had all the credits I needed to graduate a year early but didn't want to so I took half my day to get the hell out of school. I took a conservation course. Perfect for us. We could smoke weed and drink beer while we cut down trees at the county park. Anyway we were taught how to operate a backhoe. You guy may have been a magician but it's actually quite simple. Trust me if a 17 year old stoner can dig a trench and steer the tractor with the bucket anyone can. LOL
  12. No ***** (pun intended) "you're damn straight I provided samples. Twenty*****yfour hours straight of sample giving but flushed every one of them."
  13. No it's not a coincidence. It's a wild speculation A coincidence would be if a LOT of people that attended that rally maskless contracted the virus. How many confirmed positives from people who attended the rally maskless? Kind of like food poisoning. I was talking with a lawyer who defended food poisoning cases. She said its the easy work every. In court she asks the plaintiff if they gave a stool sample within 24 hours of either the first symptoms or eating at the restaurant I forgot which. But either way the plaintiff response is almost always "no". Case dismissed.
  14. Oh you work from home? I was most certain you were Herman Cain's personal physician. That would be the only way, in my opinion, that you would know with the amount of certainty you've expressed where he caught the virus. Wait let me take that one step further. His personal physician AND personal assistant. So you'd also have been with him 24/7 the past month.
  15. Tremendous. Yes it would be tremendous. Trump being dictator would be the most tremendous things to happen to this tremendous country.
  16. Yeah I had a feeling there was some confusion there. My response with to Kemp who was talking specifically about posters here.
  17. Yes people are idiots but I've been on this board long enough and often enough to know most of the posters very well. I don't think there is ANYONE that is that enamored with Trump.
  18. When you think a moving day average means anything that shows me you don't know what you're talking about. Until you see the death certs with date of death you have no idea when those people died. All you know is when it was reported. The longer the moving average the more accurate your data and interpretation of that data.
  19. Wow, strike a nerve? I'll not wonder aloud around you ever again. Nut up Doc.
  20. I think it's safe to say that NO ONE will back Trump if he loses the election and refuses to leave. There will be lots of people complaining that the results are tainted (just like the left has done for nearly 4 years) but I highly doubt anyone here would be cool with him not leaving. That's if it even happens. And it won't.
  21. So you know EVERY place he went in the 14 days prior to being tested positive? You know he was not already infected prior to the rally?
  22. Damn right we want a dictatorship! That would make the country Tremendous!
  23. Seriously. You have no idea what would happen if he refused to leave?
  24. No why do YOU change your username? I've been here for over 20 years (I think) and only changed it once. I was LABillsFan (yes I was the original) and changed it to Chef Jim after I moved to OC in 2001. So why change?
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