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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Two words: Putin’s Inflation. 🤔
  2. Just as they came down when the ports opened up....wait what??
  3. The Republican party thinks they stand for those things but they spend us into oblivion as well. Not even close. And in all fairness a true conservative would never win an election. ***** You!! Take Care of Yourselves!! is not a political slogan that will garner much support.
  4. So you agree it's mother nature and not anthropomorphic?
  5. Simple. 1. Small/limited Federal Government with most of the "power" relegated to the states. 2. Personal responsibility. It is your responsibility to create the life you need then working on the life you want. It's not the government's job to do so. Student loan forgiveness is a perfect example of something the government should not be taking part in. As a matter of fact the only loaning the government should be in involved in are issuing of Bills/Notes/Bonds. The caveat to this if you are physically or mentally disabled. We must always take care of those folks. It is, of course, more nuanced that that but those are the two major tenants of what being a conservative means to me.
  6. I think you're confusing conservatives with the Republican party of today. As a matter of fact you even referred to the "conservative party". Conservativism is not a political party it's a philosophy.
  7. Yes it is a common conservative response. To the government. Work harder to take better care of our money. They are one of the biggest reasons for our inflation today. They have flooded the economy with money (they don't have) and are surprised when we have massive inflation. I'm just extremely surprised it took this long. And FYI I'm pointing my finger at both sides of the aisle.
  8. So working harder helps inflation? Please explain your point.
  9. I'm a dyed in the wool conservative. I waiver on abortion but lean more towards keeping it legal (up to a reasonable amount of time) and safe and am absolutely for gay marriage. I have been for years based on my career work the past 20 plus years. I doubt I'm the only one. Oh and I'm a huge non-believer. Guess I'm a conundrum.
  10. Funny how he's a bad ass according his fanboys when there is "good" news but crickets when the news is bad. Shame Tibs has me on ignore because I'd like to hear more about his badassery. Maybe one of you other schmucks....errrr guys can ask him on my behalf.
  11. So now we’re looking at month to month numbers? 🙄 I made fun of Biden for doing that last month and I’ll make fun of you (and Hot Air) for doing it this month. 😉
  12. It will. It always does. Once the midterms are finalized (regardless red or blue) and inflation is gotten under control things will take off. And of course Biden will get credit. 😏
  13. I imagine you were against online banking when it first came out?
  14. There will always be fraud. Make it easy for people to vote. I think online voting would be fantastic. It’s not the 19th century.
  15. So your argument is BS? Just because someone is bedridden…..fug em? And your abortion analogy is dumb. Just let people vote by mail. Hell why not online?
  16. Mother Nature’s a B word. Nothing us insignificant humans can do. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  17. So a disabled/bedridden person should not be allowed to vote? 🤦🏻‍♂️
  18. Such as? And define old.
  19. I call our those people all the time. And whining about ageism? Nope pointing out you’re use of it. So you have a problem when people make fun of Biden’s age but it’s ok when you make fun of a poster’s age? Good job! 😏
  20. Calling them out is fine however calling them names is childish and immature. Ageism is real and the ability to debate has ceased to exist.
  21. They shouldn’t be and neither should the Dems. Why we’ve not had a viable third party blows me away.
  22. Huh, you don’t strike me as one to wear blinders. There is not one side worse than the other in this regard. Case in point.
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