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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. You’re welcome. Americans spend too much anyway. And if you’re going to spend it spend it here! ??
  2. Liberty = the opportunity to achieve all of those things you mentioned. The opportunity is given. It is up to each citizen to take advantage of those opportunities which every one of us had.
  3. Oh no. That’s not it. It’s because they cling to their guns and religion. See I know this because Obama told me so.
  4. Professional photog taking a pic at an Umphrey’s McGee show. Well well well. My (much less than professional pic) taken at the exact same moment. You can see him in front of me
  5. 1. You likely don’t know how CEO compensation/options work. 2. He’s a friend of Trump? 3. Good for him!
  6. Now isn’t this interesting. California, with our 5th highest GDP in the world, always needs bailouts. Hmmm, which party has been running CA for a million years? ?
  7. I absolutely disagree. I’m not discussing the ability to get your work done remotely. People need a change of scenery. When where you live also becomes your place of work there is a psychological issue here. Also not everyone has the square footage/floor plan to accommodate a home office. My wife had commendered our dining room table as her “office” the past four plus months and our place ain’t cheap. Companies are going to use this as a way to greatly reduce their lease payments. My office is $11k a month plus HVAC at $50 an hour if someone comes in on the weekend. They have to really consider the change in productivity by having people work from home. Not everyone is cut out for that.
  8. The social interaction of the office setting is vital not to mention the team aspect. My wife has been home since mid-March and I’ve been back in the office full time for two and trust me there is a huge difference. Also my team members who are in the office are much more productive/profitable than those still at home.
  9. People getting a deadly disease is somehow funny to you?
  10. I know this has been asked a million times but why are we shutting down the economy?
  11. Yeah god forbid we open a conversation to figure out how best to make sure everyone’s vote counts during the worst pandemic in 100 years. BTW which section of the Bill of Rights states that Presidential Election MUST be held on the first Tuesday in November. What part of the Constitution states the Election Day MUST be on the first Tuesday in November?
  12. You threw out the quote as if everyone knew what he meant or what he was referring to. Question for you. Could COVID wreak havoc on people being able to get out and vote. So what is the problem with floating the idea of postponing the election until we can come up with a viable solution during the pandemic?
  13. What are you expecting? Us two address two sentences taken completely out of context. I have no idea what he's even talking about.
  14. I never had kids so I never had grandkids but I still hang out with children every day.
  15. So Bill Gates is your expert on all things if Jen isn't available. Got it. What if Bill's not available? Where do you get your expert information from then?
  16. Why are you listening to Gates? Jen not available today? Shiithole country?? You don't have a clue do you.
  17. Correct. When does public health take precedent? So they care about public health for certain things but not others? The key word is establishment. They didn't want government to establish a state run religion. What they fled from to begin with. Why its listed so prominently.
  18. Can you read? I didn't ask if you agreed with it. Why is the government restricting church services?
  19. Why is the government restricting church services? What is the end game on that?
  20. 8th grade? He was already in his 40’s when those came out.
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