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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I lived in a high crime area in Oakland. Most of the crime was home break ins. Why? Well two reasons: 1. Most of the homes are over $1m so the people living there had property worth stealing. We also for the most part had jobs so the homes were empty during the day. 2. Here's the biggest reason. The police NEVER patrolled the area. After my home was broken in to I sent an email to the mayor and chief of police. Little did I know that I someone cc'd every officer in the OPD. Yikes! Well I got a response from the watch captain in our area. He and I emailed back and forth a lot but he felt so bad that they just didn't have the resources to patrol our area. The criminals knew this. My wife and I were walking the neighborhood one day and she looked around and said "this is just a shopping mall for the criminals." One of the things I was working on before I moved was getting our neighbors to pitch in on hiring a security company to patrol our area. So you can stick your defund the police up your ass!
  2. Good for them. Care to address my questions?
  3. Well the cool thing about this Republic is that we all get to choose who our President will be every four years. So you don’t like him (I’m being kind here). That’s very apparent. Get at it and get your man elected. Good luck to both sides come November.
  4. I’m not following this close enough. Explain why I should be asking Oregon and Utah. And I guess you don’t know the difference between a spelling error and a typo/autocorrect error. ?
  5. I may have missed it but where did Pompeo say he didn’t know WHEN the election was held? And you already said you were wrong regarding WHEN the elections are held being in the Constitution and you’re doubling down on it? You have a reading comprehension problem sir. I never said I’d agree with Trump’s reason for leaving. I’d have to consider his reason for delaying the election. I’ll have to go back and read my original response to see what I meant regarding the second scenario.
  6. Why do we need mail in voting? Citizens have been able to get to the polls for nearly 250 years and now all of a sudden they can’t? With regard to Covid? We’ve been able to go to stores and wait in line to check out, wait in line at banks etc. As a matter of fact I’ve joked about the industries that are getting rich are the once making the social distancing signs. So I don’t understand the need.
  7. So if someone other than Trump was President this man would be alive today? Dude you’re ***** nuts. Take some time off.
  8. Using a grieving wife for one of your incessant "TRUMP BAD" post is real bad form. Even for you.
  9. Cool story bro.......... What, are you jealous? Looks like those in the know are making bank. Quit your bitching and hop on the gravy train.
  10. Why we have been stuck with a two party system is beyond me. This was a golden opportunity for a third party. If we don’t have one now we never will. Sad.
  11. God forbid he help American citizens. That's kind of how this whole politics thing work.
  12. Oh sure disenfranchise all those who live nowhere near water. You anti-riparianist bastard
  13. Ignorant of the law? Which law is he ignorant of? The law the states the Presidential Election is held on the First Tuesday of November? I really doubt he's ignorant of that. Ignorant of the process to move the election if necessary? Likely, but not sure you can be ignorant of something that has not really even been discussed before. My support of him delaying the election depends on the reasoning and were we stand with the pandemic by then. In your second scenario does he not leave the WH if he loses?
  14. So your hysteria about it being unconstitutional was unnecessary. Why no one responded to your hysteria and your prodding for a response was pathetic. Now you see why no one here takes you seriously. Your TDS clouds your perception of things. So you think Pompeo may have been lying?? How could what he said have been a lie?
  15. @Kemp what did you mean by this above? Then what was all this noise about Trump and Pompeo not knowing the Constitution? Now you know why no one responded to your nonsense.
  16. I’m sorry man. That is just way too young. And yes mom will be 95. Her mom was 95 when she passed and her grandma was 99 when she died. I was fortunate enough to have known all three generations!
  17. Just did FaceTime with my mom and family. It’s her 95th on Tuesday. I was supposed to be there. Thanks Covid and it’s subsequent media and government hysteria.
  18. The corruption that you said Franken didn’t turn a blinds eye to. And if you think there is no corruption in the democrat party I have a real nice bridge to sell you.
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