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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Oh really it’s that simple? Where have you done your research. And if you think Trump is the only one making this political TDS has completely blinded your perception of reality. Yup. That’s what happens when you antagonize those deplorables.
  2. Turn on him? No. Civil people disagree. All this anger is not good for you. Shutdown? Here in CA in-dining restaurants are closed. Bars are closed. Churches are closed. Gyms are closed. Hair salons are closed. Non-essential businesses are closed. Is this sufficient or should they go further?
  3. This coming from a guy who says Trump is always making ***** up. Good job.
  4. Oh cool so you have the inside scoop on what really happened. Fill us in.
  5. It’s sad. And what’s really sad is this is winning to him.
  6. Take a break man. Your obsession is sad. It’s also not good for you.
  7. Yes the wildfire was his fault. See how orange the smoke is? BEST PANDEMIC EVER!!!!
  8. When you have lots of money a nice car isn’t splurging. It’s part of life. So Smartcar? Now THAT’S a waste of money.
  9. I couldn’t imagine any reason for delaying the election. At first I was thinking if the virus would prevent people from getting out to vote. But if we can get to the grocery store and wait in line there we can get to the polls and wait in line there. Do you agree with the shutdown?
  10. Sounds like you’re flying home from the airport.
  11. Even if I wanted to I can’t really watch sports. Dumped the cable years ago and pretty much stream only.
  12. What does this have to do with the conversation? TDS has your brain completely ***** up. This is such great entertainment. ?
  13. I began my boycott of Crayola when they got rid of flesh tone. How else am I supposed to tell when I'm tanned??
  14. It pays to have friends in high places. Jealous you're not part of the gravy train? TRUMPTRAIN2020 BABY!!
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