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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Do you feel the same way about taxes? If you do (and you should) here’s the big difference. One is 100% voluntary the other lands you in jail if you don’t participate.
  2. No but getting ammo here for some has been nearly impossible. What good is a firearm with no ammo?
  3. You could have saved yourself an awful lot of typing and just said “whataboutism” and called him a hypocrite.
  4. And that would have not had the economy shut down to prevent the spread? ?
  5. Why has there been this record drop? What has Trump done that caused this drop? How would Biden have ensured it wasn’t this bad? And no memes.
  6. We bought our retirement home last year in Palm Springs. We are our there now and it’s “cool” at 103. I love it. We were meeting the developer to design the pool. I’m not moving here without one.
  7. Well he is right. I’ve lived in New York, Miami and Southern California. The Cubans are very different from the Puerto Ricans who are very different from Mexicans who are very different from Salvadorans who are very different from Honduran who are....well you get my point. Here’s where he ***** up. What does this all have to do with the diversity, or lack there of, of American blacks is beyond me.
  8. Holy ***** Batman. I’m asking you if those who are refusing to wear masks would not be wearing them regardless who is President which is taking politics OUT of the conversation and you bring it right back to TRUMP TRUMP TRUMP!!
  9. So you think they drank the hand sanitizer because of Trump?
  10. Nope. Not at all! See how that works. You all think we follow the GOP blindly but we don’t. Must of us conservatives are VERY leery of any politician. Hence the call for a smaller government. Some day you’ll grow up and figure that out.
  11. If Hillary has won and told everyone to wear masks do you think the same people not wearing masks today would still not be wearing masks?
  12. Why do you think those people drank the hand sanitizer? But you bring up Trump all you want. We’re playing 5-dimensional chess. You’re playing with your “I Hate Trump!” Coloring book.
  13. I think journalism has had a lot of opinion influences for a long time.
  14. What strict measures did they institute and when and what were the specific results?
  15. Seeing I’m persona non grata in NY this summer I’m in Palm Springs right now spending my money at home. Your loss NY.
  16. I know you’ve already been asked but I’ll ask again. Please explain how those three have saved “countless” lives.
  17. I love Larry Elder. I used to listen to him every day years ago. I give him most of the credit for me becoming a conservative. He coined the phrase Victicrats which is so perfect in is simplistic accuracy to describe the left.
  18. So four people are dead and all you can come up with is a joke about Trump?
  19. When you feel a specific political party is going to save you you’re probably a Democrat.
  20. So if anyone other than Trump were President these millions of people would be wearing masks? That their views on personal freedoms somehow changed in the last 3.5 plus years? Dude. Either you don’t understand how important personal choice is to millions of Americans (right or wrong in this case) or you don’t understand how ingrained those freedoms are in people’s every day lives or TDS has got so ahold of your brain you have lost your ability to think critically. I’m going with door number three Monty.
  21. People should not be pissed that he’s choosing someone of a different race/ethnicity/gender than themselves. They should be pissed he’s limiting the pool of qualified candidates. Especially considering he may have a challenge finishing out his term.
  22. I’m still blown away by Biden restricting his VP choice to a woman of color. As Americans don’t we deserve to have our VP drawn from a much larger pool? Could you imagine if he came out and said “my running mate will be a white male.”
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