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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. A meaningful life/job does not, nor should it not, interfere with the amount of free time you have. Your time is yours and if you allow others to dictate it you're lost. Why I hated working from home during the early days of the pandemic. My time was not mine. My home and office all of a sudden became intertwined. Now that I'm back in the office full time (and have been for a couple months) when I am not at work my emails are off. Not sure if you do but if you read your work emails during your off time you are allowing others, those that email you, to dictate your time. Don't let them. Interesting how I said "meaningful job" and you responded "meaningful life".
  2. Good job. All this proves to me is you have no life or meaningful job.
  3. I'll ask again. Why do you think Biden will retire/step down in 2 years if he is elected?
  4. Well then I hope you don't criticize anyone for hating every again.
  5. Oh so NOW you have a problem with hate. I’ll be sure to call yours out. Question. Why do you think Biden will retire in two years?
  6. I understand the conversation. And is that why you want me to leave? I annoy you? Good.
  7. What?? You want me to leave because making bets is fun? Are you drunk because you sound drunk.
  8. Search function’s it you’re friend. No I don’t gamble. That was you’re point? Awwwww....that’s even MORE adorable.
  9. Before then? Why wait? Do it now while it's fresh in your mind. Wait did I just read this correctly. You give him ***** for using your username to make an insult and then you proceed to use his username to make an insult. Soooo adorable.
  10. Ladies and Gentlemen your next VP candidate for the democrats. I give you Bobbi Fleckmen from Spinal Tap. Please don't make me listen to that voice for 4 years.
  11. And so this is Trump's fault how exactly?
  12. Isn’t it weird how apples and oranges STILL don’t look or taste the same.
  13. Yeah Gomer Pyle was pretty bad but the rest? Classics! Every one of them
  14. Isn’t it weird how apples and oranges don’t look or taste the same?
  15. Explain how your life has been impacted in a negative way over these past 5 months.
  16. Your brain is so demented with TDS you don’t even know what thread you’re in. Get a life dude.
  17. You have proof they are embezzling? If it’s true then yes they should be charged and sentenced accordingly. Until then I’ll wait. And if I disagree I should send them MORE money. What makes you think I’ve sent them any money? You are very presumptuous which is a terrible look. And I love the use of the word “some” in your first sentence. So you’re saying there might be some embezzlement going in there too? If so why are you not so adamant about investigating the government as you are the NRA. Again contributing to the NRA is voluntary whereas taxes are not.
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