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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I don’t know you’re level of education ? but do you have a problem with someone wanting to be the leader of our nation not being able to finish their commitment? It’s a major commitment.
  2. Upset. Nah. Making fun of you and you don’t even realize it. He hung out with pedos? I worked with a guy who murdered his girlfriend and another who murdered his wife and two kids. Does this make me a murderer?
  3. I don’t want to take to DR I want to talk to you Gene Gene the meme machine. You never back up any of the ***** you pull out of your ass or any of your false accusations.
  4. We’re distancing Trump from them? They attended parties together. Big deal. Again what’s your point. You obviously know nothing about the party scenes of the rich and famous.
  5. She knows stuff about him? What kinda stuff? And he likes to play with 13 year olds? Really? Your butt’s got to be hurting again with all the junk you’re pulling out of it. You’re so blinded by your TDS you think we’re defending Trump when we’re asking you to back up your accusations and you can’t.
  6. “Trump is going to paint her as a black radical that is going to destroy the white American way of life and overrun the suburbs with criminals.” WTF is that noise?
  7. See I look at it this way. They had/have strong morals. "Slum lording and tax evasion yes but we ain't doin' no pimpin'!"
  8. Do you not agree with what Trump said?
  9. There's something to be said for someone who can build upon the family ethic. Keep up the good work Donald!
  10. Seriously man. She ain't black. I'm six shades darker than her after spending three days in Palm Springs.
  11. So why are the Dems allowing him to run? President is a 4 year (minimum) commitment.
  12. So we have a Presidential candidate who people say will drop out (or be replaced) before the election or will resign before his term is up if elected and a Vice Presidential candidate that dropped out before Iowa. What a couple of bulldogs the Dems have in this extremely important fight.
  13. I can't imagine any job that is on 24/7. I assume you're young. No career is worth interfering with your life to the point where it has no meaning. Why would you subject yourself to that?
  14. I was just talking with a co-working about these exact same things. I said "did they even think about this stuff?" When he came out with the woman of color thing he greatly limited his choices. Biggest mistake ever. Imagine any other industry where you picked you team based on their color and gender. I've been scratching my head for a long time on this one and I hope you on the left are too.
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