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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. My dad who owned several small businesses in WNY complained about NYC constantly. And we’re talking 50 years ago.
  2. I have a good friend in GA who told me they freak out when it snows there and understandably so. They have no means of removing the snow and ice. And all of us from WNY know all too well snow's easy. Ice? Not so much.
  3. Trump closed our border? Because of racism?? When did this happen? And us pigs get off on that? Hate will kill you. I wish you well.
  4. I would love to be on the Lakes right now but NY doesn’t want my California Covid Contaminated Currency I guess.
  5. The debates didn’t change their minds. The “basket of deplorables” comment didn’t change their minds. The coughing and near falls didn’t change their minds. THIS changed their minds......
  6. How do I plan to fix it? Sell it back to you? I’ll give you a deal. $1.25m.
  7. Mel Brooks has been a favorite of ours forever. The politically incorrect one liners are fantastic. The sheriff is a <ding> What did he say? The sheriff is a near!! No blagnammit the sheriff is a <ding> Hope I wasn’t out of line with the up yours ***** earlier How many times have I told you brother to wash up after our weekly cross burnin’s We’ll take the Chinks and the ***** but not the Irish! Woof.....dey darker dan us!
  8. Based on the post count (and TSW includes OTW and college football) I’d ask “why is there a football forum on a politics board?”
  9. We can go to the grocery store. We can go to the bank. Why can't we vote?
  10. Someone doesn't know the difference between Location and Residence.
  11. Yeah I understand his brilliant quote. You just didn't understand mine I quess. The fact that you feel the need to quote a brain dead coke head washed up actor says an awful lot about you. Lunch Lady!! Brilliant...***** brilliant!!
  12. Fear is what causes you to get in the lifeboat to begin with. If you have no fear you likely drown. But then again you're the one taking wisdom from Gary Busey.
  13. Who puts a distribution center on an island??? I trust Amazon knows their ***** but that just sounds stupid. How my roads on and off the island are there?
  14. Ha!! So we are freaks because all we do is bash Dems and turn a blind’s eye to Trump. You are the worlds biggest hypocrite. ???
  15. No no no no. This is not about us “freaks”. This conversation, the one I’m having with you now, is about you incessantly (and boringly) bashing Trump. Why only bash Trump when they are all crooks? And if they are can we expect the same goofy memes from you come 2021 if Biden wins?
  16. Then why do you spend all you time bashing only Trump? The next time you bash on a Democrat will likely be your first. You’re so effing transparent.
  17. I don't know anything about their governmental structure but how does the whole government resign?
  18. Why did you reply to my request for an explanation and proceed to not to fulfill my request? So are you saying Dems are crooks too?
  19. So you just throw **** at the wall and don't even care if it sticks don't ya. You just post so much garbage you don't even know what thread you're in do you. What does this have to do with the thread topic? Oh wait I know..... NOTHING!!
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