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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Correct. I don’t really listen to him so I was hoping your could point out specific lies and acts of corruption seeing you pointed the finger. And you can’t so you turned into an 8 year old with your “well Jonny does it” excuse. Bravo. Glad you pop down every so often to drop the average age by a few decades.
  2. So you have nothing and it’s 100% conjecture on your part. Thanks for playing.
  3. When he’s in your brain you’re under the impression he has his nose in every facet of our lives. I pay him very little attending.
  4. No I’m a “prove it to me” kind of guy. So do you have proof of his corruption and lies or are you of the opinion that he is corrupt and lies.
  5. I rarely listen to a word he says or a read a word he tweets. Lies and corruption! ??
  6. As the Scarecrow sang "if I only had a brain". They would be heroes to those on the right and MANY on the left if the broke this ***** up.
  7. Do you seriously think the people committing this ***** actually represents their base?
  8. That whole point system is gay. Not there is anything wrong with that. Ok yeah, there is something wrong with that.
  9. Thank you Russia! Thank you Putin! So let’s get out there and do it AGAIN!!
  10. The spreadsheet is easy. It’s the data gathering that takes time.
  11. What are they "afraid" of. I have no idea why the city leaders are allowing this to go on.
  12. Well that settles it. Joe can ride a bike. I’ve changed my mind. Joe gets my vote.
  13. Absolutely the same. Not only the same zip and same street. The same address too!
  14. Not only are they the same zip code they are the same street. So answer the question.
  15. Systemic. The word of the day that no one knows the meaning of. And why wasn't it ended during the 8 years her husband was in charge? Or did this just happen in the last 4 years?
  16. Why did they decide to torch Lewiston during the 3rd?
  17. See my responses. Interesting how you only addressed one of my points.
  18. I wouldn't back him on this. Let me ask you how do you feel about the Dems contesting the validity of Trumps election in 2016?
  19. How would you feel if he loses and contends the election was rigged?
  20. A couple of things. 1. Tell me what makes Trump sound like a racist? 2. So if Biden is not suffering from the onset of dementia (and I agree with you) he’s just always been ***** up in the head? And if so that speaks volumes for the party that kept electing him and have now picked him as their nominee.
  21. I think the invention of the light bulb came many years after some of our post counts began.
  22. Wow. An actual funny/clever post. We knew you had it in you. ? The Dude was mad (insane) all the time.
  23. Bye bye NY. https://theirrelevantinvestor.com/2020/08/13/bye-bye-new-york/ FTA and so true “There’s no reason to do business in New York…I can do the same volume in Florida in the same square feet as I would have in New York, with my expenses being much less. The idea was that branding and locations were important, but the expense of being in this city has overtaken the marketing group that says you have to be there.”
  24. Yes and they put the chains on for the ice not the snow.
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